Telefónica recognises the right of its employees to digitally disconnect

Telefónica recognises the right of its employees to digitally disconnect

Reading time: 2 min

The commitment to conciliation and respect for leisure time will be extended to all the countries where the company operates.

Madrid, 23 November 2018-. Telefónica’s management signed today a document of intent recognising the right of its employees to digitally disconnect.

With the endorsement of the trade union organizations in Spain, UGT and CCOO, the company stated its goal of implementing specific measures to strengthen the respect for the leisure time of workers once the work day has ended. Telefonica regards the implementation of this right in all its operations as an opportunity, given that it is a trend that is increasingly present in businesses across the globe.

The commitment to digital disconnection will be extended to all the countries where Telefónica operates, and will be incorporated soon, as an annex, to the International Framework Agreement that the Company has in place with the trade unions globally. In its different countries, Telefónica will promote awareness and training actions aimed at all of the Group’s employees in order to inform about the risks, challenges, and good practices related to the use of digital tools.

In the document, the company recognises as essential that workers can ‘disconnect’ when necessary and create healthy habits regarding the use of their devices. Telefónica will provide all the necessary tools so that the Group’s employees can develop their own ‘digital well-being’.

This goal of working to extend the intelligent use of technology in the organisation is another of the commitments shared between Telefónica and the main trade unions. Telefónica has a successful labour relations model that has made it possible for the company’s transformation processes globally to have been managed according to the principles of consensus and agreement.

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