Website accessibility
Accessibility criteria
On that score, the Integrated Telefónica, S.A. Plan sets out to adapt the contents of the website in order to ensure that everybody, irrespective of disability, age, or the technology they are using, can have universal access to each and every one of its contents without experiencing access difficulties. At the same time, Telefónica S.A. is incorporating the provisions stipulated in the Spanish Information Society and Electronic Business Services Act LEY 56/2007, de 28 de diciembre, de Medidas de Impulso de la Sociedad de la Información.
In order to achieve this, the accessibility criteria imply compliance with the double-A level 1.0 Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) established by the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), an international association made up of different organisations, both public and private, that work together to develop standards aimed at the encouragement and diffusion of good website development practices.

The Plan also adopts the current regulations in force in Spain in this regard: Norma UNE 139803:2012 “IT Applications for the Disabled: Accessibility Requirements for Website Contents” (Norma UNE 139803:2004 “Aplicaciones informáticas para personas con discapacidad: Requisitos de accesibilidad para contenidos en la Web”).
Improvements Included
All the webpages, from the most recent to the oldest, are being rigorously adapted in order to eventually achieve a website containing the greatest possible number of accessible documents.
Some of the functionalities incorporated into in order to make it easier to access all the contents of the website are:
- The visual characteristics of the site (typeface, typeface and background colour, etc.) can be defined using the style sheet, which enables the user to adjust the text to his/her preferences.
- The font sizes have been defined using relative units so that the user can increase or reduce the size of the font using the browser menu.
- Accessing using a browser that is unable to support a style sheet will present no problems as all the contents can be accessed with the cascading style sheets (CSS) deactivated.
- The webpages have a clear structure, both for the user who can view all of the content unassisted and for the user who reads the information via a screen reader or for the user who deactivates the style sheet, etc. Bearing this in mind, the section headers, lists and all of the elements that help the user to obtain a general understanding of the website have been defined using the HTML code.
- The HTML code and CSS used adjust themselves to the formal grammars in order to guarantee that the contents can be correctly viewed using different browsers.
The Website Level of Accessibility
The level of accessibility of the website is double-A.