Blog08/02/2012 Public PolicyTelefónica and the ITU are seeking Green ICT applications to achieve “Sustainable Energy for all”. Send us your ideas
Blog28/10/2011 Public Policy Telefónica welcomes the new EU policy on Corporate Social Responsibility
Blog21/10/2011 Public Policy Telefónica presents its Corporate Responsibility policies at the United Nations
Blog13/10/2011 Public Policy My take-away from the 6th IGF – or: What do patchwork quilts and Internet policy principles have in common?
Blog05/06/2011 Public Policy Europe celebrates the “Green Week”: How does ICT technology contribute to making the world more sustainable?
Blog30/05/2011 Public Policy Eurodig: 2 days debating on Internet Governance issues Natalia Moreno Rigollot
Blog10/02/2011 Public Policy Safer Internet Day: Protegeles speaks about how the European directive on children and the internet should be