Press room23/07/2019 Climate changeTelefónica commits to the UN to fulfil more ambitious climate targets to limit the increase in global temperature
Blog18/12/2015 Public Policy UN General Assembly High-Level Meeting on the Review of WSIS outcomes implementation
Blog02/11/2015 ESG How could ICTs and digitization contribute to the new SDGs? (part 2) Natalia Moreno Rigollot
Blog07/10/2015 ESG How can ICTs and digitization could contribute to the new SDGs? (part 1) Natalia Moreno Rigollot
Blog02/10/2015 Public Policy How could ICTs and digitization contribute to the new SDGs? (part 1) Natalia Moreno Rigollot
Blog25/09/2015 ESG Discover the new Sustainable Development Goals: Accept the UN challenge and #TellEveryone!
Blog30/01/2015 Public Policy Some views on “Finding the balance between Human Rights and surveillance”
Blog11/12/2014 Public Policy 2014 Learning Forum on Transparency and Human Rights in the Digital Age – Geneva Chema Alonso
Blog01/10/2014 ESG Telefónica presents the M-Inclusion platform at the Business Call to Action Fifth Annual Forum in New York