Blog18/02/2025 TechnologyNew technologies and telecommunications in the world of literature Jose Antonio Gutiérrez Alata
Blog12/11/2024 5GSecuring 5G networks: challenges and opportunities in the telecoms sector Eva Georgieva
Blog14/10/2024 Telecommunications The future of quantum computing and cybersecurity in telecommunications Eva Georgieva
Blog05/08/2024 Telefónica Centenary Two telephone operators tell their stories at Telefónica Marta Villar Álvarez de Mon
Blog19/06/2024 Technological revolution The telephone: from the 19th century revolution to the Digital Age Gaspar González Jurado-Gutiérrez
Blog05/04/2024 Telecommunications “My story at Telefónica”, by Alberto Alfonso Pordomingo Alberto Alfonso Pordomingo
Blog02/11/2023 Artificial Intelligence An AI research agenda for and by the telecommunications industry Richard Benjamins