Blog07/07/2023 Public PolicyEuropean reindustrialisation, one of the challenges of Spanish presidency Dácil Jiménez Delgado
Blog05/07/2023 Public PolicyState Aid for 5G in rural areas: one pillar for competitiveness Alejandra García Hoyos
Blog30/06/2023 Public Policy From words to action: unlocking the digital and green transition Pablo Barrionuevo
Blog26/06/2023 Public Policy Myths and Truths: Setting the record straight on the South Korea Case Juan Luis Redondo Maíllo
Blog23/06/2023 Public Policy Inclusion in Latin America: sustainability, responsibility and partnerships Ana Valero Huete
Blog20/06/2023 Public Policy How Open Gateway increases market efficiency and social welfare Fernando Herrera González
Blog16/06/2023 Public Policy Artificial Intelligence: innovation, ethics, and regulation Nuria TalayeroPaloma Villa Mateos
Blog14/06/2023 Public Policy Parliament backs clear mandate to reach Digital Decade targets Carlos Rodríguez Cocina
Blog13/06/2023 Public Policy New formulas to cope with the growth and concentration on IP traffic Miguel Calderón
Blog07/06/2023 Public Policy Global Digital Compact: towards universal and inclusive digitalisation Pablo Barrionuevo
Blog26/05/2023 Public Policy Strengthening Europe’s digital infrastructure to enable our digital future Idoya Arteagabeitia González
Blog23/05/2023 Public Policy Impact of traffic growth on networks and investment needs Enrique Blanco Nadales
Blog17/05/2023 Public Policy Economic analysis gives evidence for market failure: Contributions from Big Tech needed to unlock consumer welfare Juan Montero Rodil
Blog15/05/2023 Public Policy Open Strategic Autonomy: for a Digital, Green and Competitive Europe Pablo de Carvajal
Blog05/05/2023 Public Policy Two-sided markets and the financing of the networks of the future Javier Domínguez Lacasa
Blog27/04/2023 Public Policy Taxonomy: Europe’s commitment to the transition towards a green economy Isabel María Álvaro Alonso
Blog25/04/2023 Public Policy Fibre and the future-proof connectivity network for competitiveness Dácil Jiménez DelgadoNuria Talayero
Blog21/04/2023 Public Policy Cooperation for innovation. Online Ads Privacy-friendly by design Eusebio Felguera