Blog13/02/2014 Public Policy#SID2014 – Telefónica presents the Digital Family platform to create a better Internet for children
Blog07/02/2014 Public PolicyData Protection Day: which perspectives for the proposed Data Protection Regulation? Chema Alonso
Blog16/12/2013 Public Policy Innovation Security Day: Telefónica’s security strategy for its customers
Blog05/12/2013 Public Policy Tackling cyber-crime: Protecting citizens from digital threats Chema Alonso
Blog24/05/2013 Public Policy Data Protection: The debate for a modern and effective European framework continues…
Blog22/04/2013 Public Policy Looking for an ideal European framework on Data Protection Paloma Villa Mateos
Blog10/04/2013 Public Policy THE FUTURE EU DATA PROTECTION REGULATION: What should not be considered as a personal data?
Blog09/04/2013 Public Policy Internet quo vadis? How could tomorrow’s Internet look like? And what are the challenges?
Blog05/02/2013 Public Policy 10th annual Safer Internet Day: What´s going on? José Manuel García-Margallo