Blog12/02/2025 Sustainable developmentDo ICTs improve environmental sustainability? Alberto Alías Martín
Blog22/04/2024 ICT How mobile telephony, the Internet and social media have changed our lives Telefónica
Blog11/04/2024 ICT “My day-to-day life at Telefónica” by Alberto Alfonso from Customer Experience Alberto Alfonso Pordomingo
Blog11/10/2023 Companies Business Process Management: What is Business Process Management? Telefónica
Blog30/08/2023 Companies CISO: what is a CISO and what are the functions of the Chief Information Security Officer? Telefónica
Press room12/08/2022 Telefónica Tech 57% of companies plan to invest more in ICT in the next two years
Blog23/02/2022 Technology Technological innovation is the key to improving business energy efficiency
Press room09/04/2021 Telefónica Tech Telefónica Tech collaborates with Quside and Qrypt to validate new quantum technology in its VDC cloud Service.