Press room26/02/2018 Connectivity Telefónica presents “Internet para todos”, a collaborative project to connect the unconnected in Latin America
Blog10/11/2017 Public Policy Telefónica and Facebook partner to connect the unconnected to the Internet
Blog03/11/2017 Public Policy In the 21st century, the rich countries will be those which undertake the digital transformation María José Lanuza
Blog18/10/2017 Public Policy Telefónica and CAF come together to promote the digitalization of Latin America
Blog15/09/2017 Public Policy 21st Annual CAF Conference: committed to the economic and social development of the region
Press room30/08/2017 Colombia Telefónica capitalises its Colombian subsidiary to initiate a new phase
Blog05/07/2017 Public Policy For a “smarter” Latam: infrastructure projects to promote the digital sector
Blog23/06/2017 Public Policy Digitalization, employment, and eduction: the bases for growth in Latin America
Blog02/06/2017 Public Policy Anatel debates the adaptation of the licensing system to the authorization system