Blog02/11/2015 ESGHow could ICTs and digitization contribute to the new SDGs? (part 2) Natalia Moreno Rigollot
Blog13/10/2015 Public Policy ETNO CEO Statement on Achieving Europe’s Digital Single Market Chema Alonso
Blog07/10/2015 ESG How can ICTs and digitization could contribute to the new SDGs? (part 1) Natalia Moreno Rigollot
Blog11/07/2014 ESG Poverty, education, health, equality… Advances and challenges of the Millennium Development Goals
Blog16/04/2014 Public Policy EP’s approval of Digital Single Market Regulation: summary and first reactions
Blog11/11/2013 Public Policy Remote Patient Management: A Study of the Attitudes of Patients and Professionals in Spain
Blog04/06/2012 ESG Industry supports “3millionlives” to use telehealth and telecare to change the lives of people in UK