Blog01/10/2014 ESGTelefónica presents the M-Inclusion platform at the Business Call to Action Fifth Annual Forum in New York
Blog23/09/2014 ESG What are the challenges for the Internet and Digital Economy? Presentation of Telefónica’s Digital Manifesto
Blog23/09/2014 ESG Dignity, integrity and the elimination of the violence against women José Manuel García-MargalloCristina Vela Marimon
Blog05/08/2014 Public Policy The Telecommunications Industry Dialogue agrees on a common position on users’ privacy and government communications surveillance
Blog31/07/2014 ESG McKinsey Report: Sustainability gains importance for executives. What has it got to do with reputation?
Blog11/07/2014 ESG Poverty, education, health, equality… Advances and challenges of the Millennium Development Goals
Blog07/07/2014 ESG The OECD shows the importance of the Responsible Business Conduct for the companies José Manuel García-MargalloCristina Vela Marimon
Blog05/06/2014 ESG Telefónica joins the “Raise your voice, not the sea level” initiative at World Environment Day 2014
Blog14/02/2014 Public Policy Social Entrepreneurship José Manuel García-MargalloCristina Vela Marimon