Sustainable Development Goals: Impact & SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the most ambitious programme in history to address the major social and environmental challenges facing humanity.

The Internet and digital solutions are key to achieving more than half the SDG targets. At Telefónica we are taking up the baton and committing ourselves to the 2030 Agenda:

  • Build a greener future: taking advantage of the power of digitalisation to curb climate change.
  • Help society thrive: promoting economic and social progress based on digitalisation, leaving no one behind.
  • Lead by example: maintaining strict levels of governance oversight in order to build trust.

Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals

Contribution to Sustainable Development Goals
The infographic shows Telefónica´s contribution to Sustainable Development Goals, divided in the following categories: Contribution to the environment, Economic contribution, Social contribution – Digital Inclusion and Social contribution – Human capital.

Measuring the impact

At Telefónica we identify where and how we contribute more significantly to the Sustainable Development Goals.

From 2018, we measure our social and environmental contribution annually, following the guidelines of:

  • Harvard Business School (HBS).
  • Value Balancing Alliance (VBA).
  • World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).
  • Capitals Coalition.

We integrate the results into our management and decision-making to further improve.

Impact of Telefónica in 2023

Impact of Telefónica in 2023
The infographic is not accessible. You can consult the information in accessible format in Annex 1, downloadable below.

Sustainable finance helps us support the SDGs with projects with social and environmental impact.

Economic contribition

Economic contribution by offering our quality service and supporting local industry, Telefónica promotes social and economic development.

Our economic contribution is equivalent to €51,600 M.

This section takes into account the economic value generated directly or indirectly by our activities and investments in the main countries in which we operate. In addition, we measure the externalities generated through taxes incurred and those that contribute to the creation of services to society by public administrations.


Decent Work and Economic Growth


Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

SDG 16

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

Social contribution

The social contribution pillar is divided into Digital inclusion and Human capital.

Social contribution – Digital inclusion

By bringing connectivity and digitalisation to more people in both urban and rural areas, we generated 37,700 M in communities.

Social contribution – Human capital

We promote inclusion, diversity and training, with a positive impact of €18,300 M.

The social contribution pillar is divided into Digital inclusion and Human capital.


Good Health and Well-Being


Quality Education


Gender Equality


Decent Work and Economic Growth


Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

SDG 10

Reduced Inequalities

SDG 16

Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions

ODS 17

Partnerships for the goals

Contribution to the environment

We are committed to minimising our environmental impact and promoting the decarbonisation and circularity of the economies in which we operate.

We estimate a contribution to the contribution to the environment in 2023 of approximately €5,500 M.

This block takes into account our contribution to the environment in order to achieve more sustainable economic development.

We estimate a contribution to the contribution to the environment in 2023 of approximately €5,500 M.

SDG 11

Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 12

Responsible Consumption and Production

SDG 13

Climate Action

SDG 14

Life Below Water

SDG 15

Life on Land

We work with the FAO

Together we promote digitalisation in agriculture and the food value chain, contributing to SDGs 2, 11, 12, 13 and 17.

FAO e-learning Center

Telefónica's contribution to SDGs

Digital Inclusion Benchmark leaders

Telefónica, world leader in  cybersecurity, privacy,  responsible use of technology by children and accessible design.

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