Do you want to know how we manage your data at Telefónica?
The digitalization is completely transforming our communications, the exchange of ideas, the economy and society in general. At Telefónica, we assume our responsibility for data protection, the exchange of ideas and information security, and we are committed to promoting a reliable, inclusive and sustainable digital ecosystem.
Our Approach
Digitalisation is reshaping our communications, the exchange of ideas, the economy and society in general. At Telefónica, we recognise our responsibility to protect data, the exchange of ideas and the security of information, and we position ourselves as drivers of a reliable, inclusive and sustainable digital ecosystem.

At Telefónica, we provide privacy information in an accessible, simple and easy-to-read way. In order to make it easy for people to understand how we collect, use, share and protect their data.
Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs)
Global Privacy Policy
Privacy by Design
Training and Awareness

We are committed to achieving the level of security in our services that ensures adequate protection of information and the technologies that process it, so that all our customers can use it with confidence.
Policy and regulation
Business Continuity and Crisis Management
Adequate use of the services
Security Services

Public Positioning
Here you will find news and updates on data protection, cybersecurity and digital trust, among others.

Artificial Intelligence and new technologies
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a game-changing technology for any industry and society. The biggest challenge we fase today is to design a Good governance model.

Responsible use of technology
At Telefónica we are committed to fostering responsible use of technology. To fulfil this commitment, we have developed many different initiatives to promote a safer and healthier digital environment. We also provide customers and society in general with the necessary resources so that they can harness the full potential offered by technology and manage their digital identity in the best possible way.

Assistance to Authorities
The respect and promotion of human rights takes a new dimension in as a result of digitalisation, new technologies and Artificial Intelligence, in particular regarding to rights to privacy and freedom of expression.
Human Rights Governance: Privacy and Freedom of Expression
Context and types of requirements

We provide this space in which we incorporate frequently asked questions that may arise in relation to different topics covered by the Global Transparency Centre.

Local Transparency Centres
From this space you can access the Transparency Centres from different countries in which we operate.