-> Average payment period to suppliers - Telefónica

Average payment period to suppliers

On October 19, 2022, Law 18/2022, of September 28, on the creation and growth of companies, came into force, which modifies the third additional provision of Law 15/2010. The new standard establishes the obligation to publish in annual accounts, in addition to the information already required, the monetary volume and number of invoices paid in a period less than the maximum established in the late payment regulations, and the percentage they represent of the total number of invoices and on the total monetary payments to your suppliers. This information for the 2023 financial year is shown below:

Monetary volume of invoices paid in a period less than the maximum established in the regulations (millions of euros)
Percentage of total payments
Number of invoices paid in a period less than the maximum established in the regulations
Percentage of the total number of invoices paid

The Telefónica Group’s Spanish companies adapted their internal processes and payment schedules to the provisions of Law 15/2010 (amended by Law 31/2014) and Royal Decree-Law 4/2013, amending Law 3/2004, which establishes measures against late payment in commercial transactions. Engagement conditions with commercial suppliers in 2023 included payment periods of up to 60 days, according to the terms agreed between the parties.  

For efficiency purposes and in line with general business practices, Telefónica Group companies in Spain have agreed payment schedules with suppliers, whereby most of the payments are made on set days of each month. Invoices falling due between two payment days are settled on the following payment date in the schedule. 

Payments to Spanish suppliers in 2023 surpassing the established legal limit were the result of circumstances or incidents beyond the payment policies, mainly the delay in issuing invoices (legal obligation of the supplier), the closing of agreements with suppliers over the delivery of goods or rendering of services, or occasional processing issues.  

The average payment period to suppliers of the Telefónica Group’s companies in Spain in 2023, calculated in accordance with the only additional provision of the Resolution of the Instituto de Contabilidad y Auditoría de Cuentas (Spanish Accounting and Audit Institute) of January 29, 2016, amounted to 51 days (53 days in 2022).