20-F SEC Filing

Information registered by Telefónica S.A.

Telefónica’s security holders (including holders of Telefónica’s American Depositary Receipts) may receive a hard copy of this document, which contains Telefónica’s complete audited financial statements, free of charge, upon request.

Shareholders and investors

Contact us to send your request.

Shareholders Office

Distrito Telefónica – Edificio Central, PI. 2ª
C/Ronda de la comunicación s/n C
28050 Madrid
Teléfono gratuito (para España)
900 111 004
[email protected]

Investor Relations

Distrito Telefónica – Edificio Central, PI. 2ª
C/Ronda de la comunicación s/n C
28050 Madrid
Tel: +34 91 482 8700
[email protected]

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