Voting entitlement and the passing of resolutions

Each share presents or represented at the General Meeting gives entitlement to one vote.

Resolutions are passed by majority vote, that is, draft proposals are approved when the number of votes in favour of each draft proposal is greater than the number of votes against it (regard less the number of blank votes and abstentions) and subject to any special majority requirements established in Law and in the Articles of Association.

The Directors may require the presence of a Notary Public of their choice to draw up the minutes of the General Meeting, and must do so where the applicable rules so require. The notarial record constitutes the minutes of the Meeting.

General Meeting deliberations and resolutions are recorded in minutes that contain, as a minimum, all the particulars required by all the applicable Law and Articles of Association provisions.

In addition to the applicable legal disclosure requirements, shareholders are entitled to be informed of the resolutions passed by the General Meeting via the Company’s website, where the full text is published as soon as possible after the conclusion of the General Meeting.