Information Shareholders

The General Shareholders’ Meeting shall be called with the minimum advance notice required by law, through a notice published at least:

  • In the Official Bulletin of the Commercial Registry or in one of the more widely circulated newspapers in Spain.
  • On the website of the National Securities Market Commission [Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores].
  • On the Company’s corporate website.

The notice published on the Company’s corporate website shall be continuously accessible at least until the date of the General Shareholders’ Meeting. Furthermore, the Board of Directors may publish notices in other media, if it deems it appropriate, to ensure the public and effective dissemination of the call to meeting.

The call to the General Shareholders’ Meeting shall also be reported to such Market Supervisory Authorities as may be appropriate.

From the date of publication of the General Meeting official notice, the Company makes available to its shareholders the documents and information it is obliged to provide them under law or under the Company’s Articles of Association regarding the various Agenda items. Those documents and information are also included on the Company’s website from that date. In addition to the above, shareholders are entitled to obtain such materials at the Company’s registered office immediately and free of charge, and to request their delivery or despatch free of charge in those situations and terms provided under law.

From the publication of the notice of the call to a General Shareholders’ Meeting through the seventh day prior to the date set for the holding thereof upon first call, any shareholder may submit a written request for such information or clarifications as it deems are required, or ask written questions it deems are pertinent, regarding the matters included in the agenda for the notice of call, or regarding information accessible to the public that the Company has provided to the National Securities Market Commission since the holding of the immediately prior General Shareholders’ Meeting, or regarding the auditor’s report.

The Board of Directors shall be required to provide in writing, until the day when the General Shareholders’ Meeting is held, the requested information or clarifications, as well as to respond in writing to the questions asked. The answers to the questions and to the requests for information shall be channeled through the Secretary of the Board of Directors and provided by any member thereof or by any person expressly authorized by the Board of Directors to that end.

During the course of the General Shareholders’ Meeting, the shareholders of the Company may verbally request such information or clarifications as they deem appropriate regarding the matters contained in the agenda, or regarding the information accessible to the public that the Company has provided to the National Securities Market Commission since the holding of the last General Shareholders’ Meeting, or regarding the auditor’s report. In the event that it is not possible to satisfy the shareholder’s right at that time, the Board of Directors shall provide such information in writing within seven days of the close of the General Shareholders’ Meeting.

The Board of Directors shall have the duty to provide the information requested in reliance upon the two preceding paragraphs, in the manner and within the time periods established by the law, except in those cases in which (i) such information is unnecessary for the protection of shareholder rights, there are objective reasons to believe that it might be used for ultra vires purposes, or publication thereof may prejudice the Company or related companies; (ii) the request for information or clarifications does not refer to matters included in the agenda or, in the case of sub-section 1 above, to information accessible to the public that has been provided by the Company to the National Securities Market Commission since the holding of the immediately prior General Shareholders’ Meeting; (iii) it is so established in legal or regulatory provisions. The exception contemplated in section (i) above shall not apply when the information has been requested by shareholders representing at least one-fourth of the share capital.

Answers to shareholders who attend the General Shareholders’ Meeting from a distance by means of data transmission and simultaneously and who exercise their right to receive information through this procedure shall be provided, if applicable, in writing, within seven days following the Meeting.