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Our Mission

We believe in the enormous potential that technology can bring to people, businesses and society. At a time when technology is more present than ever in our lives, we cannot forget that the most important connections are human connections. Because in today’s society, people’s quality of life depends to a large extent on that connection. In short, our mission is to make our world more human by connecting people’s lives.

Our Mission

Infographic of the last results presented

Disclosure, communication and contact Policy for shareholders

What is Telefónica’s share capital?

Telefónica’s share capital, subscribed and fully paid up, currently amounts to 5,638,053,507 euros and is divided into 5,638,053,507 shares with a par value of one euro each.

What is the nominal value of Telefónica’s shares?

Telefónica’s capital stock is divided into shares of one euro par value each.

What has been the evolution of Telefónica’s share capital?

You can access our financial data

Who are Telefónica’s main shareholders?

Click here and access the information of our main shareholders

What is the ISIN code for Telefónica’s shares?

Telefónica’s ISIN code is ES0178430E18.

How can I access Telefónica’s share price?

You can access Telefónica’s quotation here

How can I invest in Telefónica S.A. shares?

Individual investors may only invest in Telefónica S.A. shares through legally authorized financial intermediaries. Please ensure that the intermediary executing your investment orders is registered with the Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) or the Bank of Spain and is authorized to offer and perform investment services in Spain.

What expenses/commissions do I have to pay for my investments?

Transactions in stock markets involve certain expenses and commissions for the purchase and sale of securities and there are also custody, administration and management commissions for their deposit. In Spain, the maximum rates applied by legally established intermediaries are public. Find out about these maximum rates, which must be set out in a brochure as a prerequisite for their application.

On which markets are Telefónica’s shares traded?

Telefónica’s shares are traded on:

  • The Spanish stock exchange: Continuous Market, Madrid, Barcelona, Bilbao and Valencia Stock Exchanges.
  • The Lima Stock Exchange (Peru).
  • BolsNew York Stock Exchange (USA).

You can find further information here

What is the symbol of Telefónica’s shares in the different markets?

Spanish continuous market:

Reuters: TEF.MC

Bloomberg: TEF.SM

Stock Exchange of Lima:

Reuters: TELb.LM

Bloomberg: TDP.US

New York Stock Exchange:

Reuters: TEF.N

Bloomberg: TEF.US

Has Telefónica conducted any split or counter-split?

The General Shareholders’ Meeting held on 26th March 1999 approved the split of the shares comprising the Company’s share capital by dividing each share into three and adjusting the shares nominal value to one euro. The split was carried out at midnight on 23rd July 1999, with each shareholder receiving three new shares of one euro nominal value for each old share. No counter-split has been performed.

Where can I obtain information on Telefónica’s ADRs?

An ADR (American Depositary Receipt) is a U.S. negotiable certificate representing the ownership of shares of a company incorporated outside the USA. ADRs are listed and traded in U.S. dollars on the U.S. stock exchange.

You can find all the information about the ADR programme here

What is Telefónica’s remuneration policy?

Telefónica has an attractive and sustainable remuneration policy, consisting of the payment of 0.3 euros gross per share per year, payable in two tranches of 0.15 euros in June and December.

Dividend Policy

What dividends will I receive if I buy shares?

Telefónica sets the shareholder remuneration policy taking into account the Group’s profits, cash generation, solvency, liquidity, flexibility to undertake strategic investments, and the expectations of shareholders and investors.

Dividend Policy

What dividends has Telefónica paid?

You can access the shareholder remuneration history

How can I find out when I receive dividends?

Through the website and the Shareholder Information telephone number 900 111 004 you can obtain complete information on shareholder remuneration, both on dates and on the nature and amount of the remuneration. The shareholder will receive at his/her domicile notification from his/her depositary bank of the corresponding payments into his/her securities accounts.

Sending notifications to shareholders’ email with the relevant news of the Company

Notifications subscription

Is there a dividend reinvestment plan?

There is currently no dividend reinvestment plan.

What is the tax on the sale of securities?

The transfer (sale of securities) that gives rise to an equity gain (capital gain) or loss (capital loss), which is determined by the difference between the sale price and the purchase price of the securities. The capital gain is included in the Savings Tax Base, regardless of the period in which it was generated. Consult your tax advisor or the Treasury.

What is the tax on dividends?

Dividends are taxed as income from movable capital and are included in the Savings Tax Base.

Scale of taxes

Savings Tax Base up to €6,000: 19%

From €6,000 to €50,000: 21%

From €50,000: 23%

What is the tax on Subscription Rights?

The sale of the rights will be considered a capital gain subject to tax withholding.

What is the tax on stock ownership?

The purchase of shares in itself is not taxable. The holding of shares is taxed in the Wealth Tax as long as it is subject to said tax according to the limits defined by law.

Administrative expenses and securities deposit

Administrative expenses and deposit of securities are deductible expenses.

How can I obtain financial information from the Company?

You can access or download the financial information

When does Telefónica publish its results?

Telefónica publishes its statements every three months and at the close of each calendar quarter.

You can access the quarterly results

Where can I access the annual statements?

You can access and/or download the annual statements

What is the auditing company for Telefónica’s accounts?

The auditing company for Telefónica’s accounts is PricewaterhouseCoopers Auditores

Where can I access the Single Annual Report?

You can read and/or download the Single Annual Report

Where can I read about the Corporate Governance Report?

You can read about it in the Corporate Governance and Financial Reports

You can read about them

What is credit rating?

The credit rating is an indicator of an entity’s ability to repay its debt. The agencies in charge of determining credit risk, both long and short term, base their calculations on variables such as payment history, the company’s asset/debt ratio, among others.

You can consult all the information on Telefónica’s debt and ratings

Through which means is the General Meeting convened?

The General Shareholders’ Meeting must be called, with the minimum notice required by law, by means of a notice published in, at least:

  • The Official Gazette of the Mercantile Registry or one of the newspapers with the largest circulation in Spain.
  • The National Securities Market Commission web page.
  • The Company’s corporate web page.

Who has the right to attend the Meeting?

You can read about the right to attend and represent the Shareholders’ Meeting

How can shareholders participate in the Meeting?

You can read about the right to attend and represent the Shareholders’ Meeting

Who can attend the Meeting?

Shareholders owning 300 or more shares may attend provided that, at least five days prior to the date of the Meeting, they are registered in the corresponding accounting records. Holders of fewer shares may group with other shareholders up to 300 shares and appoint a proxy to attend.

How can I be represeted at the Shareholders’ Meeting?

Any shareholder who has the right to attend the General Meeting may be represented by another person, even if the latter is not a shareholder. Proxy may be granted by means of the delegation form printed on the attendance card or in any other way permitted by law. Voting instructions will be reflected in the documents in which the proxy for the General Shareholders’ Meeting is recorded. Unless the shareholder granting the proxy expressly indicates otherwise, it shall be understood that s/he gives precise voting instructions in favour of the proposed resolutions formulated by the Board of Directors on the matters included on the Agenda and in against any matter which, not appearing on the Agenda and therefore not known on the date of granting the proxy, could be put to the vote at the General Shareholders’ Meeting.

If the proxy document does not indicate the specific person to whom the shareholder confers his representation, it shall be understood to have been granted in favour of the Chairman/woman of the Board of Directors of the Company or whoever, as the case may be, replaces him/her as Chairman/woman of the General Shareholders’ Meeting. If the designated representative should find him or herself in a conflict of interest in voting on any of the proposals that, within or outside the Agenda, are submitted at the General Shareholders’ Meeting and the represented party has not given precise voting instructions, the representation shall be understood to have been conferred on the Secretary of the General Shareholders’ Meeting.

Shareholders who do not hold the minimum number of shares required to attend may confer in writing the representation thereof on a shareholder entitled to attend, or group with other shareholders in the same situation, until the necessary shares are assembled, conferring their representation in writing to one of them.

Can a shareholder attend the Meeting accompanied by a family member or a third party?

The shareholder may attend the Meeting accompanied if the accompanying persons are shareholders of Telefónica or representatives of any shareholder.

If the attendance/delegation card shows more than one holder entitled to attend the Board, how many can attend?

Only one of the holders shall have the right to attend the Meeting, regardless of the number of shares held.

How many voting rights does a shareholder have at the Meeting?

Each share present or represented at the Meeting gives the right to one vote.

What is the policy of Telefónica with its shareholders?

What advantages do Telefónica shareholders have?

Telefonica shareholders have offers in a wide variety of products and services, raffles, visits to exhibitions, guided tours through the Telefónica District and LaCabina.

What services and information can the Shareholder Office provide me?

The Shareholder Office offers the following services:

  • Information about the Company and the action.
  • We respond to any question about dese and raise its investment in Telefónica.
  • We offer you offers on different products and services.
  • We periodically send to your e-mail all the relevant news of the Company, the monthly newsletter and the digital magazine “Acción Telefónica” exclusively for shareholders.


What information do I receive from Telefónica as a shareholder?

The Company makes the following information available to its shareholders:

Website of shareholders and investors with all the relevant information of Telefónica. You can consult and / or download all public information: annual reports, quarterly results, relevant events, documentation of the Shareholders’ Meeting, brochures, presentations, etc.

Through the Shareholder Office you can request the sending of such information: a free telephone number for Shareholder Information 900 111 004 (called from Spain); email: [email protected]; postal mail: Telefónica District – Edificio Central, Pl. 2, C / Ronda de la Comunicación s / n, 28050 Madrid.

Monthly newsletter: with corporate and financial information, relevant news, explanatory videos, stock market information and latest news on offers and benefits for shareholders, among others.

“Acción Telefónica” magazine publication of a quarterly nature, in which you will find the Group’s financial information, notices and news of the Company, articles of interest, interviews and exclusive offers for Telefónica’s shareholders.

Alerts to the e-mail of the shareholders: with the relevant news of the Company, the monthly newsletter and the magazine “Acción Telefónica” in digital format.


How can the shareholder get his suggestions / opinions to Telefónica?

During the General Shareholders’ Meeting, the shareholders will be able to express their observations on the agenda during the intervention session. Likewise, they may make written consultations to the Board of Directors on the matters included in the agenda, as well as on the information accessible to the public that the Company has provided to the National Securities Market Commission since the last Board Meeting. of Shareholders.

The Shareholder Office has a free telephone number for Shareholder Information 900 111 004 calls from Spain), email [email protected] and postal mail Telephone District – Edificio Central, Pl. 2, C / Ronda de la Comunicación s / n, 28050 Madrid, where shareholders can send us their suggestions / opinions.

What rights do I have as a shareholder?

In the terms established in the law, and except in the cases in it foreseen, the shareholder will have, at least, the following rights:

  • The one of participating in the distribution of the social gains and in the patrimony resulting from the liquidation.
  • The preferential subscription in the event of issuance of new actions or of bonds convertible into shares.
  • To attend and vote at the General Shareholders’ Meetings – at the terms established in these Bylaws – and that of challenging the agreements social.
  • The information one.

We want to give our shareholders the opportunity to know our facilities.

More info about Events and Visits

Telefónica, S.A. Shareholder Office

Postal Address: Distrito Telefónica – Edificio Central, Pl. 2ª, C/Ronda de la Comunicación s/n 28050 Madrid

Toll-free number (for Spain): 900 111 004

email: [email protected]

Important notice

The mailbox of the Shareholders Office will only respond to questions from Shareholders & Investors about Telefónica. Please note that this mailbox is not a valid recipient for notification purposes and no other queries will be addressed.

The mailbox is attended Monday to Friday from 9.00 to 18.00 (CET), excluding local bank holidays.

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