
The corporate challenges bring us the opportunity to innovate and become more competitive. In this context, we provide companies with support in adapting their businesses to increasingly complex and evolving environments, in order to achieve their goals.

  • Fast technology evolution is changing the consumer behavior and pushing the retail insdustry to develop new digital capabilities, create new services and improve its commercial and logistic processes in order to deliver more value to customers, while achieving profitability and gaining competitiveness

    Telefónica has an extensive range of technological solutions that addresses the industry needs for both, on-line and off-line development areas.

    Rethinking the role of shops

    Rethinking the role of shops

    The retail shops are being reshaped to satisfy traditional shopping habits and support omnichannel management activities. Reengineering IT infrastructure and implementing digital services is essential to deliver innovative services (energy-efficient), reduce operational risks and remain relevant in today’s marketplace.

    Boosting omnichannel and ecommerce sales

    One key for success is to be a real omnichannel and sustainable player. The customer is at the heart of the sales strategy and their experience must be made perfect: Getting to know them, removing any boundaries between commercial channels and using technology and centralized data management for just in time delivery.

    Enable new working dynamics

    Enable working dynamics that promote safety, mobility, flexibility, and adaptation to workers’ needs. New dynamics that use technology to enhance productivity, promote cooperation and deliver commitment, retaining talent and attracting the best professional profiles.

    Transform the supply chain technologically

    Demand planning, inventory management and forecasting (delivery) capabilities are not fully ready yet. Reliable information and technology upgrades are needed to handle new consumption scenarios and meet midterm sustainable results.

    Seek for efficiencies and enhance environmental management

    Facing consumers’ evolving demands, environmental requirements and increasingly business challenging conditions: pricing stress, inflation, incremental minimum wages and new business models. Managing the cost structure and becoming efficient in order to invest in high-priority areas of the business, are critical lines of action for companies.

  • The manufacturing industry is facing rapidly changing challenges, where resources are scarce and environmental impact needs to be significantly reduced to meet with international regulations. Digitization, automatization and data mining are key elements to address these challenges and to create an efficient and sustainable Smart Factory with digitalized, flexible and reliable processes.

    Remote and collaborative working

    Evolve towards a Smart Factory

    Digital technologies that enable devices and op. systems getting integrated to manufacture products, adjust processes, and modify business models. They enable the linkage between the physical (devices, raw materials, products, machinery and facilities) and the digital ecosystems (operating systems) to create a robotized and intelligent manufacturing industry.

    Remote and collaborative working

    Implement solutions to effectively manage on-site performance and offsite working. Standardize, automate, and robotize operating procedures, processes and tools that contribute to employee’s safety, especially for those workers running in high-risk operations.

    Transform the supply chain technologically

    Change the conventional supply chain network into an integrated, dynamic, digitized, diversified and globally interconnected network. Real-time data management shall help making better decisions, achieving network collaborations and providing customers with flawless end-to-end purchasing experience.

    Strengthen the relationship with the end consumer

    Solutions that connect the manufacturer with the end-consumer; collecting and analyzing transactional data to enable product and delivery customization. They enable the manufacturer to serve the consumer directly, providing a unique experience and contributing to the environmental preservation.

    Ensure business continuity

    Provide E2E comprehensive and managed consulting services allowing manufacturers to have full control and protection against possible market changes. Enable manufacturers to react in a timely manner to make the necessary adjustments to their manufacturing processes, in order to guarantee the business continuity and people’s safety.
    Strengthen the relationship with the end consumer

  • Public Administration digital transformation looks after resource efficiencies, reducing bureaucracy and connecting citizens and companies with the government. The main digitization benefits, are: Supply users with real time information; increased transparency, better quality public services; and more efficient processes.

    Promote smart cities

    Achieve operational efficiencies

    Providing technological solutions to deliver additional public services to citizens by using the same number of resources or looking after savings by transforming the existing legacies into more efficient applications and/or promoting the outsourcing of non-critical administrative services with maximum security standards.

    Provide e-services

    Making interactions and formalities with government institutions or public entities easier for citizens and companies by means of providing them with e-services.

    Promote Smart Cities

    The Smart Cities have now been extended to integrate and connect additional public areas, communities, regions, villages, business districts or educational establishments digitally.

    Adapting worksites to covid scenario

    The present scenario requires government employees to support citizens and companies remotely, keeping public services running while maintaining highest levels of security.

    Become resilient to external threats

    Public Administrations must be prepared and securitized against any disaster or emergency situation, as well as ready to execute subsequent recovery plans in an efficient way.

  • The digital transformation of the healthcare industry offers public/private entities the opportunity to address any service deficiencies and become more effective in the prevention of potential diseases, improve life-spam of patients and provide them with customized treatments. Technology contributes improving the effectiveness of healthcare protocols, making healthcare services more accessible to the population and reducing diagnostic failures. Digitization aims creating a modern industry, providing personalized and efficient services to patients.

    Enhance professionals capabilities

    Secure healthcare facilities

    Provide medical centers and hospitals with the maximum safety and sanitation measures to prevent illnesses, while guaranteeing their sustainability and assistance capabilities.

    Promote innovation and health prevention

    Develop and implement innovative healthcare treatments using the latest technology available while encouraging all citizens to take an active role in the prevention of diseases and keeping healthy habits.

    Improve patients’ life quality

    Provide best healthcare services to patients and their relatives, both at home and medical centers or hospitals, to improve their life conditions by monitoring and supervising their treatments and illness evolution.

    Enhance professional´s capabilities

    Equipping healthcare professionals with tools and digital skills to provide patients with adequate assistance, as well as making possible the coordination between healthcare centers, public institutions and private organizations (insurance companies, providers, etc.) to reduce administrative procedures and waiting lists.

    Deliver flexible and sustainable services

    Deliver solutions that maximize the efficiency of the available resources to meet demand fluctuations without increasing staffing requirements or changing working conditions, while ensuring the sustainability of the services provided, over time.

  • The digital transformation of the educational industry is not just limited to on-line learning; it also seeks improving and modernizing the processes and habits of educational institutions, educators and students. The conventional educational model is being gradually replaced by hybrid learning models, where virtual and presence classrooms are being supported by technologies designed to enrich the learning experience. By digitizing the teaching and learning experience both teachers and students can sharpen their abilities to create an active educational process.

    Digitizing educational establishments

    Digitizing educational establishments

    Digitize physical spaces with the latest technologies to make students’ and teachers’ educational experience more interactive, inclusive and customized, enabling them to carry on with their studies remotely.

    Embedding new working dynamics

    The new emerging learning models require collaborative, delocalized and seamless tools that promote individualized learning programs while getting other players involved in the learning environment to deliver the courses.

    Empowering learners

    Provide students with the necessary connectivity and tools to enhance their learning experience, allowing them to interact in a digital and collaborative environment with other students and teachers.

    Strengthening the teacher’s role

    Provide instructors with connectivity and digital tools to enable them leading the transition towards a more digitally-based educational model.

    Promote flexibility and sustainability

    Reinforce sustainability awareness in two ways: making educational infrastructures environmentally friendly and making students, teachers and families be aware of environmental infrastructure impact.

  • The digitalization has become one of the key transformation drivers of the financial industry. It comprises evolving existing legacies, adjusting processes and reducing procedures to provide customers with financial assessment while enhancing their interaction experience. It implies, providing tools to enable safety transactions between entities, while reducing the inefficiencies inherent to this industry. It is a global transformation process that concerns all agents involved and is founded on the adoption of a new culture to meet the demands of the market and its customers.

    Manage operations efficiently

    Manage operations efficiently

    Implement new technologies to manage all financial services and run IT activities of financial institutions, efficiently.

    Restructure the office network

    Reduce delivery costs, remove redundancies and consolidate the most efficient branch offices.

    Debt management

    Improved credit risk and debt management.

    E2E digital experience

    Boosting digital customer interactions, with automated end-to-end processes and customized services based on data mining and machine learning.

    Evolve working dynamics

    Move towards remote working dynamics (highly productive), fostering employee collaboration.

    Service integration (ecosystem)

    Manage financial transaction using connected applications and websites for; payments, loans, investments, etc., running within secured ecosystems.

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