Smart cities: Success stories of digital transformation projects of local administrations
- Telefónica Hall3 stand 3K31 – Fira Gran Vía, Barcelona
Language VO: Spanish (There will be instant translating)
Session description
3 clients tell us how Telefónica, as an integral technological partner, has helped public administrations in their digitization process through large Smart Cities projects.
In a session moderated by Diego Lopez Román, 3 clients tell us about their digital transformation projects.
- Miriam Díaz Herrera, Concejala de Turismo, Comercio, Mercados y Relaciones Institucionales del ayuntamiento de Santander, tells us about the digitization of the Santander City Council in recent years.
- Juan Antonio Bermejo from La Palma Island tells us about the Smart Island project with a comprehensive platform and deployment of 25 solutions on the island and the volcano impact in the project.
- Gastón Navarro. Explains assets and people connectivity project in Buenos Aires Smart City
#SmartCity, #AAPP, #IoT, #digital, #tourism, #sustainability

Miriam Díaz Herrera
Concejala de Turismo, Comercio, Mercados y Relaciones Institucionales del ayuntamiento de Santander

Juan Antonio Bermejo
Head of Innovation Service Cabildo La Palma

Gastón Navarro
Subsecretary of Technology and Informatics of the city of Buenos Aires

Diego López Román
Marketing & Business Development Manager – Telefónica