We invite SMEs to join the AI ​​revolution


12:30 - 13:00

Telefónica Hall3
stand 3K31

Fira Gran Vía, Barcelona

Language VO: Spanish

Session description

Historically, SMEs have benefited from technological evolutions years or decades after big corporations, increasing the competitivity gap between them. However, latest advances in AI, such as LLMs, have eliminated many of the barriers to entry, allowing SMEs to jump into this wave at the same time. Our goal with this session is share our experience, with real examples, helping SMEs to adopt this technology.

  • #SMEs
  • #Artificial Intelligence
  • #Generative AI


  • Javier Vizcaino

    Javier Vizcaíno

    Director Pymes España / Director of SMEs, Telefónica España

  • Elena Gil

    Elena Gil Lizasoain

    Director AI & Data Spain and Americas, Telefónica Tech