Resilient digitalisation in industry: technology, agility, and competitiveness


16:00 - 16:30

Telefónica Hall3
stand 3K31

Fira Gran Vía, Barcelona

Language VO: TBD

Session description

In this presentation, Dario Cesena, CEO of Geprom, will analyze how new factories, enabled by disruptive technologies such as 5G and private networks, MOM Platforms, and Artificial Intelligence, are transforming the industrial sector. Industrial processes now need to be not only digital but also resilient.

Resilient digitalization relies on three pillars: data availability and accuracy, selecting the right partner, and fostering talent. Its goal is to enable industrial companies to be flexible, agile, and digital, allowing them to adapt to the constant and rapid changes required by today’s market.

The presentation will explore how industrial companies can adapt to a competitive global environment and how the effective integration of technology can improve daily operational processes.

Demo description

A dynamic presentation featuring practical cases and real-world examples of how technologies such as 5G and private networks drive digital resilience, together with MOM platforms and the integration of value-added services.

  • #Resilient Digitalization
  • #Smart Factories
  • #5G in Industry
  • #Connected Talent
  • #Digital Transformation


  • Dario Cesena

    Dario Cesena

    CEO de Geprom, part of Telefónica Tech

  • Maria Eugenia Borbore

    Industry Business Development Head, Telefónica Empresas

  • Luigi Gutierrez Garrido

    Luigi Gutierrez Garrido

    CIO Director Information Technology (IT / OT and Processes), Migasa

  • Alberto Gamero

    Alberto Gamero

    Portfolio Development Executive - Manufacturing Operations Management, Siemens