Green algorithms, from risk to opportunity


15:15 - 15:45

Telefónica Hall3
stand 3K31

Fira Gran Vía, Barcelona

Language VO: Spanish

Session description

Green algorithms, from risk to opportunity. This talk will explore the mechanisms being implemented to minimise the environmental impacts of Artificial Intelligence and the great potential of the technology to solve many current environmental challenges, with practical cases in business and society.


  • Ana Belén Pociña

    Ana Belén Pociña

    Head of ESG Customer and Bussiness Dev., Telefónica

  • Paco Montalvo

    Paco Montalvo

    Chief Data Officer,Telefónica Innovación Digital

  • Carlos Martínez Miguel

    Carlos Martínez Miguel

    Director Solutions and Services AI & Data, Telefónica Tech