Gen AI to enhance and transform employee service experience


11:00 - 11:30

Telefónica Hall3
stand 3K31

Fira Gran Vía, Barcelona

Language VO: Spanish

Session description

The presentation will focus on the success story of Prosegur, which, in collaboration with Telefónica, is implementing artificial intelligence and automation technology to enhance efficiency and transform the employee service experience. Additionally, it will address how AI is also transforming other aspects of the operational model for workplace management services, including proactive monitoring, on-site support, and continuous improvement.

Demo Description

During the presentation, a demonstration will be showcased on the transformation of the employee service process through the use of Generative AI, as well as the real-time supervision of these processes to ensure the best possible employee experience. The demonstration will include the virtual assistant integrated into Teams, the prompt builder that parametrizes the AI’s behaviour, and the supervision platform where all processes are monitored in real-time

  • #GenerativeAI
  • #Workplace


  • José Merinero

    Jose Merinero

    Workplace IT Manager, Prosegur

  • Belén Espejo González

    Belén Espejo González

    Head of Business Development Workplace, Telefónica España

  • Fernando René Gomes

    Fernando René Gomes

    Expert Operations Competence Centre, Telefónica España