11:00 - 11:45
Fira Gran Vía, Barcelona
Language VO: Spanish
Simultaneous translation to English
Session description
Roundtable to discuss the main challenges of the digitalisation of tourism, especially in tourist destinations, with stakeholders from European funds and the PID project.
Digitalisation of the tourism sector, institutional vision with UNWTO, insights from two major destinations (Benidorm and the Region of Murcia) and Telefónica’s perspective as a company in the digitalisation of destinations will be shared.
- #DTI
- #PID
- #Smart Tourism
- #Smart City
- #Digitalisation
Natalia Bayona
Executive Director UN Tourism
Antonio Pérez
Benidorm Mayor & president of Alicante Council
Javier Martínez Gilabert
General director of digital transformation, Region of Murcia
Carmen Alonso Cañada
Head of Business Development Manager Spain, Telefónica
Frederic Vieuxmaire
Tourism Business Development , Telefónica España
Diego López Román
Head of Business Process, Telefónica España