Security Governance

The global Security and Intelligence Area has the backing of the Company’s management and reports to the Board of Directors through the Sustainability and Regulation Committee and the Audit and Control Committee. It also coordinates with the local security departments, as shown in the following diagram:

The Global CSO leads, monitors and supervises implementation of the policy framework and that of the global initiatives. The Global CSO nominates a local security manager at each Telefónica Group company. The nominations are submitted for a decision from the corresponding company’s management bodies.

For governance and coordination, there is the bimonthly security meeting of the Telefónica group, chaired by the Global Director of Security and Intelligence, and in which local security officers (local CSOs) and corporate managers from different areas of the Company (Compliance, Audit, Legal, Technology and Operations, People, Sustainability, etc.) participate.

There are also local security sub-committees chaired by the local CSOs, which take part in defining strategic initiatives and global guidelines and implement them in each Telefónica Group company.

In addition, the Global Security and Intelligence Area promotes and drives The Digital Security Committee in which several members of the Company’s Executive Committee participate.

Telefónica also has a Security Advisory Board made up of major figures from outside the Company, in the field of security and intelligence, with the aim of contributing best practices, increasing the efficiency of capabilities and procedures, and enhancing the quality of our strategy in this area.