Today’s young adults: the millennial generation

In just a few lustra, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have changed the world, making it more interdependent and interconnected.  Through the use of ICTs, young adults are...

Reading time: 2 min
Lourdes Tejedor / @madrid2day

Telefónica Public Policy & Telefónica España Regulatory teams

In just a few lustra, Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have changed the world, making it more interdependent and interconnected.  Through the use of ICTs, young adults are changing the habits of society and shaping how it will evolve. But what is influencing and motivating this interactive generation of young adults to change the world? And is this change a global movement or an individual choice?

Aiming to know this interactive generation, known as the Millennial Generation, the Financial Times and Telefónica have promoted The Global Millennium Survey, which is the most comprehensive portrait of 18 to 30 years old ever commissioned (i.e. 12,000 adult Millennials surveyed in 27 countries).

In particular, the Survey aims to know if the members of the Millennial Generation think that they have good opportunities to innovate and become entrepreneurs, what do they think about the role that technology has in their lives and what is their social sensitiveness. The findings of this Survey will allow us to offer them the products they value the most and the tools they need to take the best possible benefit of technology. In addition, the outcomes of the research will allow us to boost innovation and entrepreneurship.

The Financial Times and Telefónica will present the findings of the Survey at The Financial Times-Telefónica Millennials Summit: The Interactive Generation on the 4th of June at the London’s Royal Opera House.

The event will have as keynote speakers: Julius Genachowski (@JGenachowski), Former Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC); Rt. Hon. David Miliband (@DMiliband), President Designate and CEO of the International Rescue Committee and former UK Foreign Secretary; and Joe Gebbia (@jgebbia), Chief Product Officer and Co-Founder, Airbnb. On the side of Telefónica, the speakers will include: José María Álvarez-Pallete (@jmalvpal), Chief Operating Officer, Telefónica S.A.; Eva Castillo, Chairwoman and Chief Executive Officer, Telefónica Europe; and Matthew Key, Chief Executive Officer, Telefónica Digital.

The Financial Times-Telefónica Millennials Summit will move on to Sao Paulo on the 6th of June and later in the year to Brussels, the United States and beyond.

We are live streaming the event here on 4 June so get involved, tweeting at Telefónica Digital using @tefdigital and the hash tag #tefmillennials.

For registration or media enquiries, please contact: Simon Lloyd (@SMLloyd), European Head of External Communications, Telefónica Europe, T: +44 (0)7912 072777, E: [email protected]

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