Telefónica leads, for the third consecutive year, the Ranking Digital Rights (RDR) of the telecommunications sector. RDR assesses in the 2022 RDR Telco Giants Scorecard the commitment, management and transparency of 12 global telecommunications companies worldwide in terms of governance, privacy and freedom of expression.
The company has improved by 8% over last year’s edition and tops the ranking for the first time also in privacy matters, while continuing to rank first on governance and freedom of expression.
In the Governance section, Telefónica once again tops the ranking, with a score of 85%, being the only company to have carried out human rights impact assessments in all the areas analysed by RDR . In this context, the ranking also highlights the company’s high-level commitment to human rights via the Human Rights Policy and the monitoring of the latter by the Sustainability and Quality Committee of the Board.
With respect to the Privacy category, Telefónica leads this subsection the first. RDR highlights that “the company has clear and robust policies regarding the collection and use of data”. In this regard, it is worth highlighting the added value of the information contained in the Transparency Centres for Telefónica’s customers and other stakeholders. Finally, in the section on Freedom of Expression, the ranking highlights Telefónica´s policy and due diligence practices in general and its public commitment to net neutrality in particular.
2022 Ranking Digital Rights’s Telco Giants Index

Ranking Digital Rights (RDR)
Ranking Digital Rights (RDR) is a non-profit initiative of New America’s Open Technology Institute and produces the annual Corporate Accountability Index, which ranks the world’s most powerful Internet, mobile ecosystem and telecommunications companies. The 2022 telecoms industry ranking includes 12 companies spanning ten countries, with subsidiaries operating in more than 150 nations. Overall, the policies of these companies affect billions of people around the world. RDR advocates for companies to continue to work towards respecting people’s digital rights, and publishes recommendations to companies and governments in this regard.