Telefónica attends MWC 2021 to reinforce its commitment to economic recovery based on digital transformation and sustainability

Telefónica will participate in the 2021 edition of the Mobile World Congress (MWC), to be held in Barcelona between June 28 and July 1, to reinforce its commitment to an economic recovery driven by digital transformation and sustainability.

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  • The company participates in Mobile in person, with a stand of 952 square meters, and adds a wide virtual proposal, with a digital twin that will allow to visit online the different demonstrations, follow streaming sessions that will take place in the Agora of Telefónica and access or download a series of digital transformation notebooks.
  • Telefónica is attending this year’s edition, in a clear commitment to a progressive return to normality, to show the possibilities that the leadership of its networks and technological services provides to companies.
  • This year, the Group is presenting up to 34 success stories of digital transformation, the most ambitious proposal of all the editions in which it has participated, thanks to the capacity offered by the experiences shown at the stand and the cases shared in the virtual environment.
  • The Telefónica Agora will host 16 conferences, with the participation of more than 30 speakers, and three ‘demotours’ that will make it possible to know in more detail the entire deployment of the company during the MWC.

Madrid, June 22, 2021. Telefónica will participate in the 2021 edition of the Mobile World Congress (MWC), to be held in Barcelona between June 28 and July 1, to reinforce its commitment to an economic recovery driven by digital transformation and sustainability. To this end, and thanks to the combination of the physical and virtual environments, it will transfer an important variety of real cases of digital transformation with customers that will serve to accredit the quality of the content exhibited this year. Its attendance will also show the company’s firm support for a progressive return to normality after the exceptional events caused by the pandemic.

At a key moment, with companies and industrial sectors facing the challenge of ensuring and accelerating economic recovery, Telefónica will showcase the experience, capacity and leadership that make it a great ally for companies and society as a whole to address their digital transformation and take advantage of the extraordinary opportunity that digitization and connectivity represent at this time. To this end, Telefónica will present in Barcelona the solutions, services and success stories, based on real experiences already developed and tested with customers, that the Group offers within its extensive portfolio.

The company chaired by José María Álvarez-Pallete will thus demonstrate its commitment to society, economic recovery and sustainability through the leadership of its networks (5G and fiber) and its technologies (artificial intelligence, edge computing, big data, cloud, cybersecurity, IoT, etc.). In addition to these benefits, the company aims to advocate an inclusive, fair and sustainable digitalization and the vocation to put technology at the service of people and the protection of the planet, reducing the environmental impact and offering customers solutions that allow them to develop their activity in a more efficient and cleaner way.
Three axes, six experiences

To showcase its proposals and demonstrate the objective with which it is attending the MWC, Telefónica will offer six demonstrations. They are structured around three axes, Business, Society and Planet, representative of economic recovery, people and sustainability and, above all, of a new way of conceiving the world and business in which connectivity, digitization and the possibilities that technology offers reach an extraordinary significance.

The Business axis will deploy the demos Connected Industry, The Digital SME and Smart Tourism; the Society axis will host those corresponding to Sport 4.0 and Digital Home; and the third axis will focus on the demonstration Technology for the planet. These six experiences will therefore cover several of the sectors and transformations with the greatest economic and social influence, and will do so with real cases to demonstrate the capacity and potential of the company’s solutions and confirm its role as a technological partner and reference for companies and society in their digitization.

Stand, digital twin and transformation notebooks

Visitors will be able to explore the transformation experiences both in person, at Telefónica’s 952 square metre stand at MWC, and virtually, through a digital twin which will be visible from the afternoon of 27 June and will host the six demonstrations. The digital twin can be visited at:

In a special edition, still marked by the pandemic, Telefónica shows its commitment to Mobile and the need to support the recovery with its physical attendance at the MWC, but, understanding the still existing circumstances, it creates the resource of the digital twin to facilitate access to the company’s extensive catalogue of services, solutions and applications. And also to deploy an unprecedented participation, because the possibilities offered by having a physical space and a virtual environment will allow the Group to present a total of 34 success stories of digital transformation, the most ambitious proposal of all the editions in which it has taken part.

In addition, Telefónica’s Mobile site will feature the transformation notebooks that accompany each demonstration and complete it with more details and use cases. These notebooks, which include the value propositions offered by the company, will be available from today on the site:

Sessions at the Ágora

The hybrid format will also be available at the conferences to be held in Telefónica’s Ágora, which will host 16 presentations or round tables over the four days of the Congress, covering topics related to 5G, tourism, drones, cybersecurity and blockchain. These sessions, given by more than 30 experts, can be followed in person, in the Agora space within the company’s stand, or virtually, broadcast in streaming through the digital twin, live or recorded. At the same time, the Agora will host three ‘demotours’ or demonstrations on 28, 29 and 30 June, which will be conducted by the company’s professionals and are scheduled to provide more detailed information on the different experiences and success stories brought to the MWC.

In total, up to 50 Telefónica executives and experts will participate in the Agora sessions or in the agenda of presentations organized by the GSMA. This presence will reinforce the Group’s leading role in this edition and, at the same time, will demonstrate the value and firm commitment of its professionals to contribute to the debates and reflections that exist at a time as challenging, but at the same time as full of opportunities, as the current one.

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