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Telefónica´s agreement regarding employees digital disconnection 

In an era where the digital revolution and globalisation have created a state of constant connectivity, the concept of 'digital disconnection' has emerged as a crucial topic of discussion. Telefónica Group has issued a statement addressing this very matter.

The statement regarding the right of employees to digital disconnection emphasizes their right to disconnect from digital platforms outside of work hours. It also highlights the company’s commitment to promoting healthy digital habits and ensuring a balance between personal and professional life. Telefónica’s stance on digital disconnection recognizes it as a fundamental right for workers. The company also positions it as a strategic objective, thereby emphasizing the significance of employee well-being in the digital age.

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Telefónica believes it is crucial for workers to have the ability to disconnect when necessary and to establish healthy habits in this regard. The company provides all the necessary tools for employees to develop their own sense of digital well-being.

Advancements in digital technology should not obstruct the reconciliation of personal and professional life. Respecting rest periods, permits, and holidays is not only a right of workers but also a strategic objective for the company. The commitment to digital disconnection extends to all Telefónica countries, operations and companies worldwide. Furthermore, in line with the collective bargaining model, the commitment has been agreed with the most representative trade unions.

Telefónica commits to the safety, occupational health, and well-being of our employees as individuals.

Empowerment of awareness actions is valued at all levels of the organization, focusing on the proper use of technologies. This promotes intelligent management that serves both competitiveness and the company’s proper functioning. We commit to promoting measures that enhance respect for workers’ rest time after the workday ends. We also recognize the right to digital disconnection as a fundamental element. This helps achieve better work-time arrangements, respects privacy and family life, and ultimately improves workers’ quality of life and health.

Sensitization in terms of digital disconnection

We are proactive in promoting sensitisation and training initiatives across our various territories. These initiatives are aimed at managers and employees, informing them about the risks, challenges, and best practices associated with the use of digital tools. We regularly review these measures to adapt to any new needs that may arise in the future due to changes in local legislation. Read more about our statement in the link below:

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