100 years of history in Telefónica’s networks

Julio Linares López

Julio Linares López Follow

Reading time: 1 min

We are starting, with this valuable document by Julio Linares, the publication of a series of technological notebooks signed by some of our greatest experts, prestigious “telefónicos” who contributed to make this company a reference of innovation. Follow us the next few weeks to learn about the keys to 5G, data networks, overhead cables and digitalization. Knowledge and technological talent for everyone!

You can retrieve all the notebooks with the tag #Network Notebooks.

Telefónica’s 100-year history testifies to the fact that technological innovation has been fundamental to its development and progress.

A constant and unstoppable technological innovation that has sometimes manifested itself as incremental evolution and at other times as radical changes that could even be described as revolutionary.

Telefónica has been able to anticipate technological changes and transform itself to adapt to them, taking advantage of opportunities and facing challenges. Anticipation and transformation are part of its identity.

It is not easy to describe the technological innovation that has taken place at Telefónica in its 100 years of existence, and the changes and transformations that have accompanied it. It is even more difficult to visualise with sufficient expressiveness its transcendence in each historical moment and its impact on society and people. But it is worth trying to make an account of the most outstanding technological innovation events, which does justice to this excellent story, because without the light of the past we would enter the tunnel of the future in the dark.

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