Telefónica Tech accredits Fundación and CEOE’s nanodegrees with blockchain

• The diplomas of the nanodegrees of the 'Profesionales 4.0' training programme will now be accredited in blockchain, through the TrustOS certification solution developed by Telefónica Tech, to guarantee their veracity and authenticity before third parties.
• The qualification will also be issued in the form of a verifiable credential compatible with the future European digital identity ecosystem promoted by the European Commission, which will allow professionals who complete the training to incorporate the nanograde credential into their approved digital wallet (EUID Wallet).
• This accreditation makes Fundación Telefónica one of the pioneering institutions in the European Union when it comes to issuing qualifications in this portable format and with legal validity before any of its public or private entities.

Telefónica Tech blockchain

Reading time: 4 min

Telefónica Tech will accredit with blockchain technology, through its information certification solution TrustOS, the nanodegrees of ‘Profesionales 4.0’, the free online training programme promoted by Fundación Telefónica and CEOE that aims to digitally train professionals in key productive sectors to be cutting-edge and competitive in the market.

The accreditation of nanodegrees with blockchain technology increases the security of the qualification and minimises the possibility of falsification or fraud, so that students who complete the training will be able to demonstrate to potential employers the training acquired and guarantee the veracity and authenticity of the information.

In addition, the application of TrustOS, Telefónica Tech’s managed blockchain service that brings the adoption of this technology closer to companies, allows the completely digital and secure issuance of the nanodegree qualification, simplifying and improving the verification process for anyone, at any time and from anywhere in the world without the need to present the qualification itself. To verify with complete certainty both the date of issue of the qualification and its characteristics or the training pathway followed by the professional, it will simply be necessary to scan a unique QR code assigned to each qualification.

In this line, professionals who complete the itineraries within the nanodegrees will be able to download the degrees as verifiable credentials in their approved digital wallet (EUID Wallet), making Fundación Telefónica one of the pioneering institutions in the European Union when it comes to issuing qualifications in this portable format and with legal validity before any of its public or private entities, favouring the employability and international mobility of the professional who completes a nanodegree.

The ecosystem of the new European digital identity promoted by the European Commission will allow from 2024 onwards any citizen or resident of the Union to use their digital wallet to identify themselves to public institutions or digital service providers.

Training, the key to driving digitalisation

The accelerated digital transformation has permeated all economic spheres of society, making digital training imperative for the entire workforce. According to the report ‘Digital Society in Spain 2023’, the demand for digital skills exceeds purely technological activities and is beginning to take hold in other non-digital professions.

The ‘Profesionales 4.0′ nanogrades of Fundación Telefónica and CEOE have reached, with the help of the employers’ associations of different sectors, more than 75,000 enrolled since the launch of its first training in 2019.

This initiative seeks to promote training in new technologies such as big data, Artificial Intelligence, blockchain, Internet of Things (IoT) or robotics and drones through its four nanogrades: the ‘Nanograde Construction 4. 0’, launched in 2019 with the support of Fundación Laboral de la Construcción; the ‘Nanogrado Transporte 4.0’, launched in 2022 with Astic and Confebus; the ‘Nanogrado Agroalimentario Hortofrutícola 4.0’, launched in 2022 together with Fepex; and the ‘Nanogrado de Turismo, Hotelería y Gastronomía’, launched in July 2023.

Luis Miguel Olivas, Director of Employability and Educational Innovation at Fundación Telefónica, said: “This accreditation is a sign of the high commitment we have at Fundación Telefónica and ‘Profesionales 4.0’ with our digital training proposal. Our aim is to improve the employability of professionals in key productive sectors and adapt it, in turn, to the new digital environments that are being developed, such as the new European digital identity”.

José Luis Núñez, head of Telefónica Tech’s blockchain business, said: “The collaboration with Fundación Telefónica for the certification of nanodegrees is a new demonstration of how blockchain technology can add value and reinforce transparency in numerous sectors and situations. In this case, moreover, the future issuance of nanogrades as verifiable credentials allows us to lead the adoption of this technology and promote use cases in the ecosystem of EBSI (the European blockchain infrastructure) and EUID WALLET (the digital wallet of the new European digital identity).

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