Telefónica launches sound identity composed by musician Lucas Vidal

• The 'Suite Telefónica' complements the rebranding that the company began in 2021 and will provide the brand with its own identifiable sound.

José María Álvarez-Pallete, Telefónica's Chairman; Lucas Vidal, composer, y Cristina Burzako, CEO of Movistar Plus+

Reading time: 3 min

Telefónica presented today at its headquarters in Distrito Telefónica the company’s new sound identity created by the composer Lucas Vidal. This tune, titled ‘Suite Telefónica‘, completes the rebranding that the company presented in 2021 and will complement the sphere logo and the characteristic Telefónica blue as another of the attributes that make the brand unique.

Lucas Vidal, composer of operas and soundtracks in Europe and the USA, internationally known and winner of two Goya awards and an Emmy, has been in charge of composing this sound identity that wants to reflect the past, the present and, above all, the future of Telefónica.

The Madrid-born composer was inspired by the sounds of the company’s history, from the connections of the telephone operators to the automatic switchboards, from the ring tones to the noise of the first routers, to then also draw on how Telefónica sounds now: the fiber-optic exchanges, the 5G, cybersecurity or cloud services. All this, plus the projection into the future, gave shape to this unique melody, as the musician from Madrid explained in the presentation of the Suite: “Telefónica has always been in my life, and when I received this request it was clear to me that I wanted to do it. I had to find a melody that captured the history, the present and that projection for the next 100 years. It has been a challenge and for me, an exciting project.

Telefónica’s Chairman, José María Álvarez-Pallete, said: “The Telefónica Suite captures the soul and purpose of the company and gives it its own sound, which is exactly what we wanted. It captures the legacy accumulated in our 100 years of history and projects us towards the future we aspire to, in which it will accompany us from now on”. 

The recording of the Suite took place at Abbey Road, the London studio, considered the most important in the world, where the Beatles’ hits, among many others, were born.

The ‘Suite Telefónica’ will now accompany different company actions, advertising, events and audiovisual pieces, both internal and external, and will also be played in stores. The sound identity, an increasingly widespread attribute among large international brands, reinforces the personality and establishes an emotional connection with customers, shareholders and employees, and facilitates brand recognition and notoriety.

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