Telefónica empowers its Communications area and sets course for the company’s centenary

• The Global Management is committed to Telefónica's new business ecosystem and integrates all the Communication areas of the different business units, from Movistar+ to the Telefónica Foundation.
• A special unit has been set up to keep employees around the world in permanent contact with Telefónica's centenary celebrations.
• It is an integrated project that is also committed to a greater international presence, with Communication units in New York and London.

Reading time: 2 min

Telefónica is unwavering in its aim to always offer the best service, anticipating situations, however extraordinary they may be, in a world that is moving faster than ever at breakneck speed and where Communication plays a key strategic role in understanding the needs of customers and key stakeholders. Telefónica’s Director of Corporate Affairs and Sustainability, Eduardo Navarro, has promoted a new organisation of the Global Communications Department, aimed at strengthening its capacity for action and designed to meet the needs of the new business ecosystem even more effectively. From today, Telefónica’s Communication area has three main vectors: adapting and extending the scope of Communication to the company’s current structure in its main markets, increasing the operator’s international presence and, in particular, establishing new channels of information and participation to navigate the path leading up to the celebration of Telefónica’s centenary in 2024.

The Global Communications Department, headed by Eva Fernández, maintains its structure in two main areas of action: Audiences and Corporate and Strategic Communications. The first, directed by Laura Sanz, is subdivided into Product, in charge of the evolution of the corporate website and intranet; Social Networks; the Corporate Information Service (SIC) and Data. This new line of Communication has a clearly strategic vision and will be responsible for the permanent monitoring of the digital ecosystem related to any of Telefónica’s brands. The Corporate Communication and Strategy Department, headed by Francisco Álvarez, has four main areas: Corporate and Business Units, headed by Pedro Calvo, which includes everything from relations with the Chairman’s Office to financial communication and Movistar+; Somos 100, which includes all of Telefónica’s internal communication, with Jesús Peñalba; and the Telefónica Foundation, with Lydia Loste.

The last area is Countries: Alejandro Kowalski will be responsible for international communication, ensuring that Telefónica’s projection corresponds to its presence in an increasingly globalised world.

In addition, and reporting directly to the global director, he is committed to strengthening the presence in the world’s information epicentres in New York and London. The Global Communications Department will set up units in each city.

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