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Telefónica brings its zero emissions target forward to 2030

Ángel Vilá announced today that Telefónica will reach its target of zero net emissions in its four main markets by 2030, initially planned for 2050.


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Ángel Vilá announced today that Telefónica will reach its target of zero net emissions in its four main markets by 2030, initially planned for 2050. This revision comes after achieving a 50% reduction in global CO2 emissions in 2019, fulfilling in advance the company’s target for 2025.

Telefónica’s COO announced this new objective on World Environment Day, in the context of the global COP26 Race to Zero campaign, which, with the support of the GSMA, aims to mobilise the joint efforts of companies, countries and investors to achieve a zero net carbon footprint.

“Telefónica wants to support the Race to Zero campaign to accelerate the opportunity to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions as soon as possible,” explained Ángel Vilá. “Digitalisation is essential to decarbonise the economy and is part of the solution. The digital solutions we offer our customers, as well as the greater efficiency of our networks, are helping to reduce emissions”.

The crisis generated by Covid19 is an opportunity to accelerate, together with all social, economic and business agents, the transition to a low-carbon, greener, more prosperous and healthier economy. Connectivity has proved critical in this process, as has digitalisation, which is key to the task of decarbonising the economy. Thanks to the use of Telefónica’s digital services by its customers, in 2019 alone the company avoided 3.2 million tonnes of CO2 worldwide, so that for every tonne emitted it saved a total of 3.3. The objective for 2025 is to avoid 10 tonnes of CO2 for every tonne emitted.






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