Telefónica and its Foundation mobilise to help Turkey and Syria

• Telefónica, thanks to the solidarity of its volunteers and the support of organisations and institutions, is mobilising to support the Turkish and Syrian people at a time of unprecedented humanitarian crisis and is launching the #MovilizadosPorElTerremoto campaign.
• Different channels of support have been activated with financial donations together with the Red Cross and the collection of basic necessities channelled together with the Turkish embassy.
• Movistar and O2 have enabled free international calls and SMS to Turkey and Syria from Spain. In addition, customers in Turkey will be able to use unlimited roaming.

Telefónica and its Foundation mobilise to help Turkey and Syria

Reading time: 2 min

The Telefónica Group is mobilising to show its support and solidarity in the face of the serious humanitarian crisis being suffered in Turkey and Syria as a result of this week’s earthquakes.

In order to facilitate communications with the affected areas, Movistar and O2 have enabled free international calls and SMS to Turkey and Syria from Spain. In addition, customers in Turkey will be able to make unlimited use of free roaming (voice, data and SMS). Both measures will apply until 21 February.

On the other hand, through its Foundation, Telefónica has launched the urgent campaign #MovilizadosPorElTerremoto, putting economic, human and digital resources at the service of the Turkish and Syrian people, together with social entities and institutions.

Thanks to the solidarity of Telefónica volunteers, different support channels have been activated. Together with the Red Cross, a financial donation campaign has been activated for all those who wish to collaborate. All the funds raised will be used to help with emergency accommodation and equipment (tents, marquees, portable kitchens, etc.) and to support emergency and rescue teams. Fundación Telefónica will provide a financial donation in addition to those received.

At the same time, and in conjunction with the Turkish embassy, various collection points have been set up at Telefónica District offices in Madrid and other parts of Spain to collect basic necessities. Telefónica volunteers are actively collaborating in the collection of non-perishable foodstuffs and products such as warm clothes and blankets, which will be transported by Zeleris, the Telefónica Group’s logistics company, to the Turkish embassy for subsequent shipment to the areas most affected by the earthquake.

Carmen Morenés, Director General of Fundación Telefónica, said: “Fundación Telefónica is channelling all the solidarity of the company and its employees so that the aid reaches the people affected by this humanitarian crisis as quickly and efficiently as possible”.

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