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Professional profiles in the Metaverse: wich ones are the most in demand?

Since the announcement of Facebook's transformation to Meta and its consequent focus on a virtual universe, a new wave of professional profiles in the metaverse has come to the fore, creating new employment, economic, creative and social opportunities.

New professional profiles are being sought in the metaverse, including Cybersecurity experts, Digital Marketing specialists, Hardware Engineers and 3D Designers.

But Zuckerberg’s project is not the only one aiming to build a virtual world. There are other metaverses more mature than the future of Meta, such as Decentraland, The Sandbox or Somnium Space. This is such a growing field that associations of companies have even been formed to promote these digital spaces globally, such as the Korea Metaverse Alliance, driven by the South Korean government.   

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Although this is an evolving environment, it requires different digital professionals to work within it and to consolidate its growth objectives over the coming years. It also has the overarching challenge of creating a greater sense of real immersion by developing digital experiences that interact with the environment and other users. In addition, the global metaverse market is estimated to be worth USD 758 billion per year by 2026, according to the analyst firm StrategyR.  

Technology and Professional Profiles in the Metaverse 

In this unlimited virtual space, the user navigates with their own digital avatar and can do everything, from e-shopping to playing video games and interacting with other avatars. The metaverse cannot be achieved without the intervention of skilled professionals, highly specialised in new technologies. Why? Each of these universes is based on the growth of the 5G network and the use of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Blockchain and Internet of Things (IoT).  

What Professionals are Needed in the Metaverse?  

Although it became one of the most important announcements of 2021 in the technology sector, Meta was neither the first nor the only company whose main objective is to create a parallel virtual world in a market that is still relatively young.  

Video games such as Fortnite and Roblox have grown in the past, launching successful new games. Their various software packages have a significant head start, but they are not as advanced in VR development as Facebook’s new concept. 

As more and more companies want to build their own virtual worlds, they need highly skilled professionals to do it. These are some of the most sought-after professional profiles in the metaverse:

– Cyber and Virtual Security Expert 

Virtual worlds also have many vulnerabilities that open the door to cybercrime. It is therefore vital that experts are involved in building secure spaces to give users the confidence to enter their data and prevent systems from being hacked and shut down. Security in these digital environments is essential to provide a solid foundation for privacy, data access and protection, or regulation in this area. For all these reasons, cybersecurity professionals will be in high demand.  

– Digital Ecosystem Developer  

For these virtual spaces to continue to grow, it is necessary to build a new digital ecosystem, with its own mechanisms for achieving the exchange of goods and services. For this reason, teams focused on the coordination of partners, institutions and governments are needed to ensure all the functions of the new ecosystem and the possibility of creating a large virtual space. 

– Hardware Engineer  

Hardware Engineers are also essential. Users and businesses need to be able to access this three-dimensional space at all times, which is why it is necessary to involve experts in the design and development of the devices and physical elements needed to interact in these digital spaces: such as VR glasses, cameras, sensors, laptops or even robots. 

– Software Experts and Researchers 

Another necessary profile is the software expert and reseacher. Their focus is primarily on the design and development of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality platforms. By doing so, they work to create new spaces. They cooperate closely with Hardware Engineers, and need their collaboration to ensure that the devices fit seamlessly with the software. They also test virtual applications before building the metaverse.  

– 3D Programmers and Designers 

Programming and design of virtual spaces is part of their creation. These profiles are responsible for translating the brand’s ideas and concepts into these new spaces and ways of engaging with users and customers. From avatars to all kinds of products, especially mode. Even video games, whose near future is increasingly focused on providing players with the most realistic experience possible. In all these cases, the aim is to improve accessibility and concepts that allow more realistic interactive applications to be integrated into virtual space. 

– Digital Marketing Experts 

Companies already dipping their toes into the metaverse promise that this space will become a niche market for brands, tech and non-tech alike. In this context, the presence of a Digital Marketing expert will be crucial to the further development of this virtual ecosystem. This profile is responsible for designing and promoting the areas of connection between products and customers, based on previous analyses and studies capable of identifying new market opportunities.  

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