Telefónica Public Policy & Telefónica España Regulatory teams
The study, done by Avi Goldfarb and Catherine E. Tucker, examined nearly 10,000 web campaigns from 2001 to 2008, and measured their perceived effectiveness on web users. They found that ads placed on European sites were affected by the tighter rules on consent for use of cookies, bugs and so on, and so were less effective.
The authors point out that ads seen by Europeans on non-EU sites were not any less effective, and non-Europeans looking at EU pages also found them less effective.
There are two things that we found particularly interesting:
- The estimated spend on web advertising is currently around $8bn, but if privacy rules were tightened, advertisers would have to spend $14.8 billion to maintain the same impact – and this would probably mean more and more intrusive adverts on websites.
- The effect of privacy rules was more profound on general sites like news, meaning that tightening privacy rules affects this already hard-hit sector.
As Commissioner Reding prepares to announce her proposals for a revision of the European privacy rulebook, this study provides interesting empirical evidence of the potential economic impacts of those rules on one of the important cornerstones of people’s Internet experience.