“We are going to further strengthen telecare and security services”, Antonio Herranz

Meet Antonio Herranz, Commercial Services consultant and trainer. Discover his professional career.

Meet Antonio Herranz, Commercial Services consultant and trainer.
Antonio Herranz

Antonio Herranz Follow

Reading time: 2 min

How long have you been with Telefónica and what is your assessment of your time here?

I think I have enjoyed a fascinating and enriching journey, full of exciting challenges, with hard and memorable moments. As to how long it has been, I prefer not to say, lest the search algorithms take it as “too long”.

Is there a project at Telefónica that you are particularly proud or satisfied with?

Som-hi and its evolution to Pegaso, a project where we bet on a closer relationship with our partners in order to attend to the Large Public customers. We changed our traditional way of acting and went from asking “What have you done?” to exploring together “How could you do it better? We introduced agreed models of care, commercial resources and standardised follow-up guidelines. These ideas improved business outcomes for everyone and allowed me to travel throughout Spain. Many of these proposals are still in full swing today.

“Serfortel, Somos Agile and Modo Entrenamiento” were amazing training projects, but 50 days of neurolearning is truly unique. It is an educational resource that stands out both for its content and the dynamics it uses. This programme, developed together with Cándido García, incorporates all the advances that neuroscience has provided to improve the effectiveness of adult training, whether face-to-face or online.

What do you think Telefónica has contributed to society?

You see, Telefónica is like the fork and knife at mealtimes. Invisible partners that nobody values enough until they no longer have them. I believe that between us all we have helped to build a more connected and better prepared society. Above all, we have made it easier for our customers to always be at the forefront of telecommunications technology.

Where do you see Telefónica in the future?

I see Telefónica maintaining its commitment to quality and service, continuing to excel in networks and exploring new ways to help our customers. I believe we will soon establish a more direct connection with new generations, staying close to businesses and anticipating their needs. We will further strengthen telecare and security services. Although the future of the market in 2050 is uncertain, I am sure Telefónica will be there.

Could you live without a mobile phone?

No, I could not live without it. It has become a habit and you know, habits are hard to forget; they need to be replaced by new ones to take their place. So far, I haven’t found another one …. Maybe that would be a good challenge!!!….

Help us solve one of the great enigmas of mankind: the potato omelette… With onion or without onion?

The omelette always with onion. Although I also enjoy it without onions.

Nominate another colleague to appear in this section

I nominate my colleagues Anna Bugallo Fuentes, Carmen Estepa Fuentes, Patricia Romero Laviña and Susana Rodríguez Delgado and my colleagues Salvador Navarro Serrato and David Serneguet Sevila.

In #Thespanishomelettething tag section we interview Telefónica’s employees on a variety of topics, while trying to solve one of humanity’s greatest dilemmas.

The Spanish omelette ranking







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