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DANA: Live information on service recovery

The Telefónica Group is mobilising to support those who have been affected by the effects of the DANA in different areas of Spain, with special emphasis on the province of Valencia.

Movistar vehicle with equipment to restore service in the area affected by the DANA.


- Updated

The Telefónica Group as a whole has been mobilised to help and support all those who have suffered the consequences of the cold spell that has hit some areas of Spain, with special incidence in the province of Valencia.

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These are some of the actions carried out.

Ground floor of the interior of the Catarroja station, which serves several base stations.

Up-to-date information and retrieval of services

Data updated on 9 November at 19:00

Thanks to the work carried out by the company’s technical staff to re-establish communications as soon as the conditions were right, 100% of fixed base stations have been recovered.

With respect to the mobile service,more than 100% of mobile network sites have been recovered.

Data updated on 8 November at 14:00

Thanks to the work carried out by the company’s technical staff to re-establish communications as soon as the conditions were right, 100% of fixed base stations have been recovered.

With respect to the mobile service,more than 94% of mobile network sites have been recovered, with some critical installations still under review (1% more than 24 hours ago).

Three million euros for people affected by the DANA

The Board of Directors of Telefónica and the Board of Trustees of its Foundation have approved an extraordinary allocation of three million euros to support those affected by the DANA (isolated depression at high levels of the atmosphere).

Telefónica has mobilized, from the very beginning, and in collaboration with the authorities and third-sector organizations, all the necessary human and technical resources to assist the victims of the disaster.

Telefónica, through its Foundation, donates three million euros to those affected by the DANA
Telefónica, through its Foundation, donates three million euros to those affected by the DANA
Telefónica, through its Foundation, donates three million euros to those affected by the DANA
Telefónica, through its Foundation, donates three million euros to those affected by the DANA

Data updated on 7 November at 14:00

Thanks to the work carried out by the company’s technical staff to re-establish communications as soon as the conditions were right, 94% of fixed base stations have been recovered (1% more than 24 hours ago).

With respect to the mobile service,more than 92% of mobile network sites have been recovered, with some critical installations still under review (8% more than 24 hours ago).

In addition, Movistar shops will provide SIM card duplicates free of charge to customers who have lost their mobile phone or suffered damage as a result of the consequences of the DANA.

Telefónica Group personnel continue to work on the recovery of the affected services.

Data updated on 6 November at 14:00

Thanks to the work carried out by the company’s technical staff to re-establish communications as soon as the conditions were right, 94% of fixed base stations have been recovered (1% more than 24 hours ago).

With respect to the mobile service,more than 92% of mobile network sites have been recovered, with some critical installations still under review (8% more than 24 hours ago).

In addition, Movistar shops will provide SIM card duplicates free of charge to customers who have lost their mobile phone or suffered damage as a result of the consequences of the DANA.

Data updated on 5 November at 14:00

Thanks to the work carried out by the company’s technical staff to re-establish communications as soon as the conditions were right, 92% of fixed base stations have been recovered.

With respect to the mobile service,more than 75% of mobile network sites have been recovered, with some critical installations still under review.

Mobile unit in Sedaví
Mobile unit in Paiporta
Mobile unit in Florida Albal
Mobile unit for Benetúser and Alfafar

Data on 4 November at 20:00

Thanks to the work carried out by the company’s technical staff to re-establish communications as soon as the conditions were right, 92% of fixed base stations have been recovered.

With respect to the mobile service, 65% of mobile network sites have been recovered, with some critical installations still under review.

Telefónica Group personnel continue to work on the recovery of the affected services.

Operator working to restore service in the area affected by the DANA.
Operator working to restore service in the area affected by the DANA.
Operator working to restore service in the area affected by the DANA.
Movistar vehicle with equipment to restore service in the area affected by the DANA.
Movistar vehicle with equipment to restore service in the area affected by the DANA.
Movistar vehicle with equipment to restore service in the area affected by the DANA.
Movistar vehicle with equipment to restore service in the area affected by the DANA.
Operator working to restore service in the area affected by the DANA.
Operator working to restore service in the area affected by the DANA.

Donate now to support the victims

Together with the Red Cross, Telefónica and its Foundation are collaborating in the collection of economic funds to alleviate the consequences: from this link you can join in.

Likewise, Fundación Telefónica, through the #MovilizadosPorLaDana campaign, has made economic, human and digital resources available to the citizens of the affected areas in collaboration with different institutions and social entities.

Collection of materials: 5 and 6 November in Distrito Telefónica and the Movistar Plus + headquarters

On 5 and 6 November, Fundación Telefónica has organised the collection of hygiene and cleaning products to be sent to Valencia.

In accordance with the indications of the authorities and social entities working on the ground, the products with a priority need are:

  • Hygiene products: gloves, hydro-alcoholic gel, soap and masks.
  • Cleaning products: buckets, bleach, disinfectant, cleaning and protective gloves. 
  • Nappies for children and adults and sanitary towels.

Movistar: free calls and data

To facilitate communications with people in the affected areas, Movistar enabled free and unlimited use of its data services and national calls in the affected areas on 30 October, suspending charges for all landline services.

Letter from Álvarez-Pallete

The Chairman of Telefónica, José María Álvarez-Pallete – in a letter called We are needed and we cannot fail – states that ‘there are moments that define us as people, as citizens, as a company or as a society. Moments that put us to the test and demand that we respond. Moments in which we cannot remain indifferent’.

A letter in which he adds his ‘gratitude and pride’ to those who are working ‘tirelessly’ for the full recovery of the affected services.

He also has words for the Telefónica Foundation, for the company’s volunteers and for ‘all the people of Telefónica once again speak for themselves and add a new chapter to the book of honour of our history’.

‘We have to restore service and go beyond. Because it is our way of being. It is part of our history. People serving people. People who want to make our world more humane. We are needed and we cannot fail’, concludes Álvarez-Pallete.

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