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Together with the Museo del Prado, we are launching the initiative ‘El arte que conecta’


As part of the commemoration of our first one hundred years of history, we have just launched, together with the Museo del Prado, a cultural project to bring some of the most representative pieces from the Museum’s collections to different parts of Spain.

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In this way we promote the connection of people through culture, something that has always been part of our DNA and which is totally in line with our corporate purpose. And all of this in a very special year for us.

We are delighted to share with the Museo del Prado the celebration of this very special year, our Centenary. Telefónica has the firm purpose of ‘making our world more human by connecting people’s lives’ and with this initiative we manage to connect people from all over Spain with a pictorial legacy that unites us all and which is also one of the most important in the world“, Emilio Gayo, President of Telefónica Spain.

“El arte que conecta” will allow museums throughout Spain to temporarily exhibit some of the masterpieces of painting that form part of the common memory and heritage of the Spanish people.

Specifically, works by Velázquez, Goya, Rubens, Murillo and other great masters of the Prado will travel to 18 locations throughout Spain, inviting citizens to contemplate them and becoming a generator of local cultural activity.

Do you want to know which works will be travelling to which places in Spain?

Find out in this video! 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

👉🏻Y, we also share with you in this LINK the list of places, works and dates that are part of this trip. Check it out and don’t miss all the ones that interest you!

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