Tips for getting through a job interview

Today I'm here to talk about something we've all been through at some point, and it's not about the dentist, it's about something that makes us as nervous and uncertain as going for your annual dental check-up, if not more so than going for your annual dental check-up: job interviews.

Discover these tips on how to ace a job interview. This great process of research and reflection will help you achieve your goal.
Ana Isabel Dorado

Ana Isabel Dorado Follow

Reading time: 5 min

It’s been a while since I’ve been to one, but in my long working life I have changed jobs or departments within the same company several times, so I’ve had to do a lot of research and thinking to help me achieve my goal.

The basics to keep in mind

Without a doubt, there are some basic things to bear in mind in order to achieve your goal, that is, to get that dream job or that job that has come to you suddenly and you think you may be the ideal person to fill it.

  • Of course, the first thing to do is to read the job description carefully to find out exactly what they ask for so that you don’t get any surprises later on.
  • It is essential to do some research on the company or department where they need to fill the position.
  • Search the internet or social networks, such as LinkedIn, about the company, what they do, who their employees are, what they talk about in their publications, get up to date. You don’t have to be a spy, but don’t go to the interview blind, knowing almost nothing about the place that could be your future job. And if you know who is going to interview you, it’s also a good idea to find out a bit about the person and, while you’re at it, give them a face.
  • If you are a LinkedIn user, take advantage of this and complete your profile, your skills, your work experience. Do everything you can to improve your personal brand and highlight everything that can benefit you in achieving your goal.
  • If you are a bold person, you can even react to their posts, share, comment, etc., to show your interest in them.
  • Research the company’s website to find out what products or services it offers, what style it uses in its communication, read about its history, its values, if it participates in any social action, what its customers are like, etc.
  • For me, it is essential to carry out a reflection process before the interview where you write down the jobs you have done before, what you highlight from each of them, what you have learnt, what challenges you have faced and how you have carried them out.
  • It is good to write it down and it is a good idea to take it with you to the interview, because sometimes nerves play tricks on us and we lose our memory and when you finish the meeting is when we remember everything we could have said and didn’t do.
  • Try to be empathetic with the interviewee and put yourself in their shoes. If you were to hire someone for that particular position, what skills would you want them to have? Look for those skills and strengths in yourself. Make an analysis of what you are good at, what you are weak at but hopefully you can improve, remember that we have a brain that is like plasticine and you can mould it to your liking and sculpt a fantastic sculpture.
  • Think about what kind of questions you might be asked and rehearse the answers, even practice with questions that might be uncomfortable. For example, if you have been out of work for a while, what have you been doing during that time in your life, answer honestly, but don’t come across as lazy or disinterested and make a good, positive impression.
  • Also consider personal questions or questions where you have to give your opinion. It is better to answer assertively than to answer aggressively or passively and say nothing.
  • Tailor your CV to the job they are offering, even if they have your CV, it is a good idea to bring another one on paper or on a pen drive where you highlight the skills and experiences that best suit what you are looking for. It will make their job much easier and they will certainly appreciate it.
  • Prepare a short speech, just a few minutes, in which you introduce yourself, give a brief summary of your professional career and studies, the difficult situations you have faced, your strengths, and what you would like to learn in order to be the best version of yourself. Talk about yourself as naturally as possible. Rehearse it a lot before telling it in the interview so that they see that you are a confident, prepared and dynamic person.
  • Make the most of it and rehearse at the same time the body language you want to show in the interview and make you look like a trustworthy person. Above all, don’t interrupt, practice active listening with your interlocutor, look them in the eye, speak to them by name, show your hands, try to control your nerves and don’t move too much, keep your posture firm and straight and don’t cross your arms or legs and try to relax your face by always showing a smile, but keep it natural. This way you will show confidence.
  • Avoid pretending what you are not, try to be as honest as possible and this way they will know you better, don’t hide your personality.
  • Show interest in them, make a list of doubts, questions you want to ask them, this will give you courage. Wait for the interviewer to talk to you about your working conditions, such as salary, working hours, family reconciliation, holidays, etc., but just in case, it is good that you have it written down and if you have to consult them, don’t hesitate to do so.
  • And finally, be cordial, polite both when greeting and when saying goodbye, be punctual, watch your language, try to speak calmly, without rushing, without hesitation, without rambling and, very importantly, take care of your appearance.
  • Although clothing depends a lot on the job you are going to do, we cannot avoid being prejudiced and judging others by their appearance, so my opinion is that, in order to avoid this, try not to draw attention to yourself with distracting accessories, excessive make-up, etc. It is important to take care of your image with a simple style. Get plenty ofrest the night before and take care of your diet on the day of the interview so that you don’t feel heavy or uncomfortable.

I hope these tips have helped you and remember: ‘Self-confidence is the best outfit, wear it!

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