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The Telecommunications Industry Dialogue agrees on a common position on users’ privacy and government communications surveillance

Privacy is, together with cybersecurity, one of the most very sensitive issues in a digitalized world, in particular, after the recent affairs on government mass surveillance. It is easy to...

Chema Alonso

Chief Data Officer, Telefonica.

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Privacy is, together with cybersecurity, one of the most very sensitive issues in a digitalized world, in particular, after the recent affairs on government mass surveillance. It is easy to understand that privacy is not only a pivotal value in democratic societies but also a right – for the Europeans is a fundamental right indeed.

The digital ecosystem creates new challenges and, therefore, we are intensively working together with other stakeholders. As a company, we have an obligation to respect Human Rights under our Business Principles and Ethical Code. Thereby, Telefónica decided to join the Telecommunications Industry Dialogue to promote privacy and freedom of expression

We believe that in addition to actively promoting these rights in our own operations and business relationships, we have to join efforts and views with other companies. That is why we are especially pleased to share with you the common position agreed among all members of the Telecommunications Industry Dialogue in regards to user privacy.

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