The MWC opens the door to the youngest ones

We have been sponsors of Yomo, an educational event focused on areas such as science and technology,

Reading time: 2 min
Lourdes Tejedor / @madrid2day

Telefónica Public Policy & Telefónica España Regulatory teams


Telefónica has been sponsor of Yomo (Youth Mobile Festival Barcelona), an educational event for young people focused on areas such as science and technology, which is being held for the first time this week during the Mobile World Congress.

The aim of this meeting is to inspire thousands of people from 10 to 16 and help them to better understand the professional careers of the STEM sectors in an increasingly mobile world.

Telefónica is committed to contributing towards achieving equal opportunities for children and young people, as well as to build a more global and inclusive society.

Our Company had a stand which showcased things related to Profuturo, which represents Telefónica Foundation’s biggest educational commitment in developing countries; Talentum, activities focused on developing young talent and employability; and Telefónica Digital Education (TED) which offers the educational community of Spain and Latin America two free and open platforms for collaborative learning.

Profuturo showed to the kids the solution Digital Aula (Digital Classroom), a project with three main components: the technological provision of devices and connectivity; an educational platform with interactive and universal content for children and young people and training, accompaniment and support for educators and coordinators.

In YoMo, Talentum performed small practical short-term challenges in three different areas: programming (using Scratch / Lightbot), robotics (Dash / Arduino Kit) and design (Pixlr / Sketchup). To encourage involvement, each participant received a code to select a prize that could be seen at the same time on a web page.

As for Telefónica Educación Digital, they showcased to both students and educators the platforms ScolarTIC and STEMbyme. The two portals aim to contribute to the development of digital education by fostering creativity, innovation and accessibility to free, quality content and resources.

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