The major Spanish Corporations have created a Center of excellence to promote corporate reputation management

The major Spanish corporations have joined together to launch a centre of excellence named “Corporate Excellence - Centre for Reputation Leadership”.

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The major Spanish corporations have joined together to launch a centre of excellence named “Corporate Excellence – Centre for Reputation Leadership”, a think-tank to promote corporate brand and reputation management as a strategic driver to achieve business excellence. For that, Corporate Excellence will develop its activities in six areas: reputation, brand, communication, public affairs, metrics and training.

Among the founders of this new think-tank are BBVA, La Caixa, Iberdrola, Repsol, Santander and Telefónica. These companies represent 65% of the IBEX-35 (250 million of euros in stock market capitalization). Also, relevant public and private corporations have joined this initiative including Adif, Agbar, Bankinter, Correos, Danone, El Corte Inglés, Gas Natural Fenosa, Meliá Hotels International and Renfe. This group of companies has more than 750.000 employees in 82 countries.

The Foundation was created with a threefold objective: to consolidate the management of brand and corporate reputation as strategic key driver to achieve business excellence, to introduce the role of the Chief Reputation Officer (CRO) to the companies executive organization chart and show the financial profitability of intangibles assets into financial results.

Under the tagline: “leading by reputation”, Corporate Excellence-Centre for Reputation Leadership aspires to become a global point of reference of innovation, professionalism, technical and ethical rigor, focusing on helping companies to develop and manage their intangible assets and contribute to social development by raising the consideration of corporate governance in a long-term and encouraging a new relationship between corporations and social media.

Corporate Excellence- Centre for Reputation Leadership is the result of experience obtained over the last decade by the “Foro de Reputación Corporativa” (founded in 2002) and the “Instituto de Análisis de Intangibles” (founded in 2004), both now part of this new think-tank. The foundation is lead by Luis Abril, Chief Reputation Officer and General Technical Secretary for the Chairman´s Office and Chief Reputation Officer of Telefonica, and Ángel Alloza as CEO.

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