The IPv6 World Day is over, what next?

The IPv6 World Day was held with great success, as evidenced by the number of notes , reports and comments that have been published in numerous print and electronic media and televisions ...

José Juan Haro

José Juan Haro Follow

Reading time: 1 min

The IPv6 World Day was held with great success, as evidenced by the number of notes , reports and comments that have been published in numerous print and electronic media and televisions

For Telefónica, which was very active (see previous post), the experience has also been successful, since no complaints have been detected by users and measurements made on the IPv6 accessible websites and contents that they admitted confirm the absence of problems. Cisco and Google reported no significant problems during the trial and Facebook called the results encouraging.

We can conclude, therefore, that this global test has been fully satisfactory.

The real problem comes now. How to migrate? How much will it cost? How to determine the ideal time to carry it out?, etc, etc. Many difficult questions to answer, but in one way or another must be done, and probably sooner better than later.

This test has not only served to remove the fear of IPv6, but also to make a call worldwide to all actors involved, some – or many – of them were little aware of the need to address migration in a serious and determined. Today, no one disputes that it is necessary to advance in the migration and can not be postponed.

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