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The European Union and Latin America: towards an inclusive technological alliance

Leading experts and policy makers from both regions exchange views on how they could cooperate in advancing an inclusive, sustainable and rights-based digital agenda.



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The Madrid office of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), in collaboration with the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Telefónica and the Felipe González Foundation organise the event “The European Union and Latin America: towards an inclusive technological alliance”. The debate will be in Spanish and will take place on 24 March between 17:00 – 19:00 CET and can be followed in streaming here:



Digitalization is key to the recovery plans of the European Union and Latin America. However, there is a need to ensure that the technological transformation of both regions is inclusive, sustainable and rights-based, thus ensuring that all citizens can contribute to and benefit from the economic and social transformations driven by digitalization.

This will require ambitious policies and significant investments, as well as regulations that put citizens’ rights, the bridging of the digital divide and the preservation of democracy at the centre of the public debate. As natural allies sharing similar goals in this and other areas, Latin America and the EU have much to learn from each other, as well as significant common ground for cooperation.


17.00 – 18.00: The digital transformation: challenges and opportunities for democracy and citizenship

  • Felipe González, Former Prime Minister of Spain
  • Ricardo Lagos, Former President of the Republic of Chile
  • Moderated by Carmen Aristegui, Journalist and presenter of Aristegui, CNN en español

Round of questions with various representatives of the technology sector.

18:00 – 19.00: The EU and Latin America: cooperation policies for an inclusive digital transformation

  • Rebeca Grynspan, Ibero-American Secretary General and former Vice-President of Costa Rica
  • Lorena Boix Alonso, Director for Digital Society, Trust and Cybersecurity, DG Connect, European Commission
  • Eduardo Navarro, Director of Strategy and Corporate Affairs, Telefónica
  • José Juan Ruiz, President of the Elcano Royal Institute, Spain
  • Moderated by José Ignacio Torreblanca, Director of the Madrid office of the European Council on Foreign Relations

Round of questions with several representatives of the technology sector.


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