“Telefónica’s most important role is to put people in touch with each other”, Segismundo Alonso

Meet Segismundo Alonso, telecommunications engineer at Telefónica de España's Home Services. Discover his career.

Meet Segismundo Alonso, telecommunications engineer at Telefónica de España's Home Services. Discover his career.
Segismundo Alonso

Segismundo Alonso Follow

Reading time: 3 min

How long have you been with Telefónica and what is your assessment of your time here? 

I joined Telefónica in 2001, just before the Teleco bubble and with 3G technology in the laboratories. It was a time of major changes and upheaval in mobile communications. During these twenty-something years I have been able to work on different projects that have allowed me to grow both professionally and personally. First, testing and making the first implementations of the new functionalities that were coming to the core of the mobile network: Videoconferencing, High Speed Internet, Voice IP Transport, Mobile Network Sharing, Lawful Interception, … In a second stage as project manager of different services: Energy, Payment Gateway, M2M Connectivity, Movistar Prosegur Alarms, Solar 360, FTTR, … What I value most from all these years is the great human and professional team I have had and am lucky enough to work with. 

Is there any project at Telefónica that you are particularly satisfied with or proud of? 

The truth is that I am proud of all the projects I have worked on. I could highlight two in particular because of their uniqueness: 

  • The development of a proprietary solution to adapt the operation of lawful interception equipment. A work that demonstrated the ingenuity and knowledge that exists in Telefónica to find a technical solution to a functional deficiency in the suppliers’ equipment. 
  • Collaborative project to generate complete documentation for training in Office 365 collaborative tools. In record time and working collaboratively among peers, documentation was produced that was used for the first stage of training in O365 tools. 

What do you think Telefónica has contributed to society? 

Development and communication. I think that Telefónica’s most important role throughout its history and also today is to put people in contact with each other and to bring development to the areas where it is present. Technological and social development that improves people’s living conditions. 

Where do you see Telefónica in the future? 

In an important role in the world of connection between people and machines. Exploring new connectivity solutions and leading the ethics of the use of people’s data. I see you leading communications in an even more hyper-connected world between people and with machines. 

Could you live without a mobile phone? 

I think I could. I lived for 28 years without it and I think I could live without it again. The point is that life would also be much more difficult to live without all the facilities that the mobile phone offers you: connection with friends, with institutions, at work, … 

Help us solve one of humanity’s great enigmas: the potato omelette… With onion or without onion? 

With onion, …. and something else. I love potato omelette. And if you add a bit of pepper or courgette as well as onion, it’s round and super juicy. 

Nominate another colleague to appear in this section 

Like my colleague Nacho, I would nominate several: David Gallardo Rico, Jose Antonio López Mora, Jose Luis Pozas Bueno, Cándido García López

In #Thespanishomelettething tag section we interview Telefónica’s employees on a variety of topics, while trying to solve one of humanity’s greatest dilemmas.

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