“Telefónica has provided its workers with rights that were not available to most of them”, Margarita Candela

Meet Margarita Candela, CGR coordinator for Alicante Discover her professional career and personal vision of the company.

Margarita Candela Follow

Reading time: 2 min

How long have you been with Telefónica and what is your assessment of your time here?

I joined Telefónica 36 years ago on 25 July, when I was 19. I am very proud to belong to this great company, I have had and still have the opportunity to do different jobs, to meet and collaborate with many colleagues, many of whom I consider great friends.

Is there any project at Telefónica that you are particularly satisfied with or proud of?

At the time I collaborated in a pilot project related to Hera+ that we carried out with very good results, nowadays it practically no longer works as it belongs to Legado systems. Actually, in all the departments and activities that I have carried out, I have always done my best to give my maximum. Currently in CGR we are also collaborating in different actions to improve the department.

What do you think Telefónica has contributed to society?

From my point of view, Telefónica has tried for many years to be a point of reference both in its own telecommunications activity and with respect to society, providing its workers with rights that were not available to the majority. With its Foundation, with equality, with diversity I think we should be really proud to belong to this company.

Where do you see Telefónica in the future?

I see it on a similar trajectory, R&D, rights, training, etc.

Could you live without a mobile phone?

I would have to give it up for a while, nowadays I find it very difficult to live without a mobile phone, there is a need to be in constant communication and the arrival of smartphones has meant that we carry a computer in our hands all the time.

Help us to solve one of the great enigmas of humanity: the potato omelette… With or without onions?

This great enigma is clear to me Without onion The one with onion is a potato and onion omelette, in fact, in some cases it is a potato and onion omelette.

Nominate other colleagues to appear in this section.

For example, another colleague from my area, Marcos Gallego Isla. And also Miguel Ángel García Villaescusa who also belongs to B2C, although in another department.

In #Thespanishomelettething tag section we interview Telefónica’s employees on a variety of topics, while trying to solve one of humanity’s greatest dilemmas.

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