“Telefónica was the first to provide us with connectivity”, Patricia Martín

Meet Patricia Martín , Cloud Comms Technologies Engineer of Comms Platforms & Datacenter at Telefonica Tech. Find out more about her career.

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Reading time: 1 min

How long have you been with Telefónica and how would you assess your time here?

Well, counting the external years, about 10 years. There has been a bit of everything, but in general the assessment is good.

Is there any project at Telefónica that you are particularly satisfied with or proud of?

I am very satisfied with the one I am currently working on at Telefónica Tech.

What do you think Telefónica has contributed to society?

It was the first to bring us connectivity. From then on, everything has evolved.

Where do you see Telefónica in the future?

More or less where it is now (right at the top).

Could you live without a mobile phone?

I confess I can’t right now.

Help us solve one of humanity’s great enigmas: the potato omelette… With onion or without onion?

Onion adds unparalleled flavour and juiciness.

Nominate another colleague to appear in this section.

I nominate Lucía Clemares from Corporate Communications.

In #Thespanishomelettething tag section we interview Telefónica’s employees on a variety of topics, while trying to solve one of humanity’s greatest dilemmas.

The Spanish omelette ranking







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